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Buy tickets for ONE DROP MUSIC presents Son of Son, Synthëtix and Antika, 28.02.2025. - 01.03.2025. in Peti kupe, Zagreb
Nadimak mu je The Great Blondino, ali SON of SON je umjetnik koji će visoko poletjeti u ovoj godini. Prošla mu je godina bila iznimno uspješna uz izdanja za Afterlife i Siamese te suradnje s imenima kao što su Adriatique i Argy. Ovog popularnog Šveđanina prvi u regiji dovodi One Drop Music 28. veljače u Peti Kupe.
Kombiniranjem utjecaja iz opere, opskurnim vokalima i porivom za drukčijim izričajem Son of Son uspio je oblikovati jedinstveni stil kojim gura melodic techno izvan okvira. U ovom žanru bilježi već nekoliko hitova kao što su Ritmo, Faust, Lost Control i Du Ska Inte, a vole ih zavrtjeti i mnoga poznata DJ imena. Zbog svog imidža i koketiranja s modom, osigurao je i suradnje s nekoliko modnih brendova.
Švedsku techno zvijezdu podržat će sve zapaženiji srpski duo Synthëtix. Uz odlične nastupe, pozornost na sceni zavrijedili su i svojom produkcijom koju, među ostalim, podržavaju i Camelphat, ARTBAT, Marco Carola i Nicole Moudaber. Priču će zaokružiti Antika, dobra duša domaće scene, talentirana DJ-ica koju u posljednje vrijeme sve češće viđamo u zagrebačkim klubovima, kako na podiju, tako i za DJ pultom.
18+ Event
His nickname is The Great Blondino, but SON of SON is an artist who will fly high this year. Last year was extremely successful for him with releases for Afterlife and Siamese and collaborations with names such as Adriatique and Argy. This popular Swede is the first in the region to be brought by One Drop Music on February 28 to Peti Kupe.
By combining influences from opera, obscure vocals and the urge for a different expression, Son of Son managed to form a unique style that pushes melodic techno outside the box. He has already recorded several hits in this genre, such as Ritmo, Faust, Lost Control and Du Ska Inte, and many well-known DJ names like to spin them. Due to his image and flirtation with fashion, he also secured collaborations with several fashion brands.
The Swedish techno star will be supported by the increasingly popular Serbian duo Synthëtix. In addition to excellent performances, they earned attention on the stage with their production, which is supported by Camelphat, ARTBAT, Marco Carola and Nicole Moudaber, among others. The story will be rounded off by Antika, the good soul of the local scene, a talented DJ who we have been seeing more and more often in Zagreb clubs lately, both on the dance floor and behind the DJ desk.
18+ Event
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