CRNA KRONIKA - Stand-up večer CRNOG humora

[CANCELLED] CRNA KRONIKA - Stand-up večer CRNOG humora

location-iconOut Bunker, Zagreb

CRNA KRONIKA - Stand-up večer CRNOG humora


Refunds for tickets purchased through will be automatically made no later than one month after the scheduled start of the event. For tickets purchased at the Entrio point of sale, a refund request must be submitted via the website, not later than one month after the scheduled start of the event.
Please note, refunds for tickets purchased at the point of sale can no longer be obtained at the point of sale!

More about the event

Buy tickets for CRNA KRONIKA - Stand-up večer CRNOG humora, 20.05.2024. in Out Bunker, Zagreb

Na noć 20.05. u 20:00 sati, u OUT Bunkeru (Ilica 16), okupit će se zločinci traženi zbog precrnih misli.
Za neke dobar provod, a za neke večer za požaliti...
Trojica osumnjičenih za kriminalno djelo su Ivan Bošnjak (31), Fran Schwarzwald (47) te Leon Kondres (25).

Bog nam dragi pomogao...

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