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Kupi karte odnosno ulaznice za Dobar House Season Opening @ Peti Kupe, 02.09.2022. - 03.09.2022. u Peti kupe, Zagreb
Dobar House Season Opening @ Peti Kupe
02 I 09 I 2022
[English description below]
Peti Kupe otvara svoju jesensku klupsku sezonu s Dobrim Houseom!
🪩 What? Dobar House
🪩 Where? Peti Kupe
🪩 When? 02 I 09 I 2022
🪩 Who? Dirty Channels (Take It Easy / Athens Of The North / Classic Music C. / Shake - Milan, IT), Elena Mikac / HrwoE / Tom Bug
🎫 Loyal FAN Tickets - SOLD OUT!
🎫 Early Bird Tickets - SOLD OUT!
🎫 Early Bird Tickets Phase 2 - SOLD OUT!
🎫 Group Tickets - SOLD OUT!
🎫 Regular Tickets - SELLING NOW!
Nakon fenomenalne prošle sezone, Dobrom Houseu pripala je čast otvoriti jesensku sezonu Petog Kupea!
Svi koji su nas pratili i posjećivali prošle sezone imaju dobru ideju što ih čeka na našim eventima, pa vjerujte da vas ni ove sezone nećemo razočarati.
U goste nam dolazi poznati talijanski duo iz Milana, Dirty Channels!
Ovaj dvojac poznat je po svojim hitovima ‘Catch Me’ i ‘Watchin Out’ kao i po izdanjima na etiketama Classic Music Company, Razor N Tape, Glasgow Underground, Athens Of The North i mnogim drugim. ‘Watchin Out’ je tako završio na prestižnoj Defected Most Rated kompilaciji a ‘Catch Me’ na Glitterbox Where Love Lives kompilaciji. Njihov nedavni hit single ‘Let Love In’ s Debbie Jacobs na Big Love etiketi osvojio je plesne podije diljem svijeta, a osim brojnih festivala u Italiji na kojima su nastupali ovog ljeta, ističe se i Defected Croatia na kojem ove godine imaju čak četiri nastupa.
Remiksirali su Nice7, MK ih je uvrstio u svoju Defected In The House kompilaciju, njihovu glazbu vrte Gilles Peterson, Jeremy Underground, Kerri Chandler i mnogi drugi, a sami su suvlasnici etikete Take It Easy putem koje rade mjesečne partyje u Milanu na koje dolaze brojne internacionalne zvijezde.
Uz glavne goste tu je i HrwoE, ime kojemu se iznova vraćamo s povjerenjem, a kako i ne bismo kad se radi o jednom od najboljih house i disco DJ-eva u Zagrebu i Hrvatskoj.
Kao i uvijek, Elena Mikac i Tom Bug, vaši privrženi domaćini, tu su da upotpune ovaj odličan lineup koji će generirati vrhunski house i disco tulum na jesenskom otvorenju Petog Kupea i početku duge Dobar House sezone.
Jedva čekamo otvoriti Peti Kupe, i jedva vas čekamo ponovno sve vidjeti na okupu 2. rujna.
After a phenomenal last season, Dobar House will have the honor of starting off the autumn clubbing season and officially opening Peti Kupe.
Everyone who followed us and attended our events the previous season has a decent sense of what to expect at our parties, so trust us when we say that we don't intend to let you down this time either.
Our next guests are the famous Italian duo from Milan, Dirty Channels!
The duo is known for their hits 'Catch Me' and 'Watchin Out' as well as releases on Classic Music Company, Razor N Tape, Glasgow Underground, Athens Of The North and many more. 'Watchin Out' ended up on the prestigious Defected Most Rated compilation while 'Catch Me' appeared on the Glitterbox Where Love Lives compilation. Their recent hit single 'Let Love In' with Debbie Jacobs on the Big Love label conquered dance floors all over the world, and apart from the numerous festivals in Italy where they performed this summer, Defected Croatia is sure to stand out, as they had as many as four performances on the festival this year.
They remixed Nice7, MK included them in his Defected In The House compilation, their music is played by Gilles Peterson, Jeremy Underground, Kerri Chandler and many others, and they themselves are co-owners of the label Take It Easy, through which they organize monthly parties in Milan, alongside many international stars.
Along with the main guests, HrwoE will grace the decks, a name we return to again and again with confidence, and how could we not when it comes to one of the best house and disco DJs in Zagreb and Croatia.
As always, Elena Mikac and Tom Bug, your affectionate hosts, are here to complete this excellent lineup that will generate a top house and disco party at the autumn opening of Peti Kupe and the beginning of the long Dobar House season.
We can't wait to open Peti Kupe, and we can't wait to see you all together again on September 2nd!