Weekend Food Festival 2024.

Weekend Food Festival 2024.

location-iconStara tvornica duhana Rovinj, Rovinj

More about the event

Register for Weekend Food Festival 2024., 19.04.2024. - 21.04.2024. in Stara tvornica duhana Rovinj, Rovinj

Weekend Food Festival održat će se u Rovinju od 19. - 21. travnja 2024.

Jedinstveni događaj koji na jednom mjestu okuplja najbolje svjetske i domaće stručnjake iz svijeta gastronomije, ugostiteljstva, miksologije te svijeta vina, ulja i kave. Weekend Food Festival diskutira o svjetskim trendovima, potiče na razmjenu iskustava, educira i teži ka izvrsnosti u svakom segmentu.

Za jedinstvene cijene smještaja za vrijeme Weekend Food Festivala molimo kontaktirajte: [email protected].


Weekend Food Festival, Rovinj from April 19th - April 21st 2024

A unique event that brings together the very best experts in gastronomy, catering, mixology, oil and coffee from Croatia and around the world; the Weekend Food Festival discusses global trends, encourages the exchange of experiences, educates and strives for excellence in every segment.

For unique accommodation prices, please contact [email protected]


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