

location-iconCrni Mačak, Zagreb


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Buy tickets for Tombstone, 24.02.2024. in Crni Mačak, Zagreb


Službena premijera naše nove igre Tombstone bit će održana u subotu, 24.2.2024., u prostorijama Crnog mačka (Mesnička ulica 12, Zagreb).

Dolazak željeznice u mali grad na rubu civilizacije promijenit će živote njegovih stanovnika. U kojem smjeru treba željeznica dalje krenuti? Tko će donijeti odluku o tome? Hoće li prevladati osobna dobit nekolicine ili dobrobit građana?

Dođite i iskusite duh Divljeg zapada! Dok se borite za ostvarivanje svojih ciljeva na svjetlo dana mogli bi svakojakve tajne i skandali. Jeste li dovoljno hrabri kako biste zakoračili u Tombstone?

Igra traje do 240 minuta. Predlažemo kostimiranje u skladu s modom Divljeg zapada.

Prijave su obvezne. Prijaviti se možete ovdje:

Osim na Entriu, ulaznice su dostupne i na šanku Crnog mačka po cijeni od 18 eura.

The official premiere of our new game Tombstone will be held on Saturday, February 24, 2024, at the Crni mačak caffe bar (Mesnička ulica 12, Zagreb).

The arrival of the railway in a small town on the edge of civilization will change the lives of its inhabitants. In which direction should the railway continue? Who will make the decision about it? Will the personal gain of a few or the well-being of citizens prevail?

Come and feel the spirit of the Wild West! As you struggle to achieve your goals, all kinds of secrets and scandals could come to light. Are you brave enough to step into Tombstone?

The game lasts up to 240 minutes. We suggest dressing in accordance with the fashion of the Wild West.

Applications are mandatory. You can register here:

Tickets are also available at the Crni mačak (18 euros). 

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