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Register for Sunset Sports Media Festival, 01.06.2023. - 03.06.2023. in Providurova i Kneževa palača, Zadar
Sunset Sports Media Festival jedinstven je projekt koji okuplja vrhunske sportaše i istaknute sportske stručnjake iz područja medija, marketinga i poslovanja. Ovaj susret globalne sportske medijske i marketinške industrije održava se na jednoj od najljepših turističkih destinacija u Hrvatskoj, u gradu Zadru. Prilika je to da najznačajniji međunarodni i domaći stručnjaci podijele svoja znanja i razmišljanja o aktualnim temama te prezentiraju vodeće projekte i inovacije iz svijeta sporta, medija i poslovanja.
Sunset Sports Media Festival is a unique project created with the intent of gathering top athletes and renowned sports experts from the fields of media, marketing and business. This global sports media and marketing event is located in one of the most attractive tourist destinations Croatia has to offer, the city of Zadar. It is envisioned as an opportunity for all of the most esteemed international and local experts to share their thoughts and opinions on trending topics from their industries, as well as giving them a platform to present leading projects and innovations originating from sports, media and business worlds.