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Stara Škola Kreka / Iz Tame u Svjetlo

Stara Škola Kreka / Iz Tame u Svjetlo

location-iconSteel Venue Rovinj, Rovinj

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Buy tickets for Stara Škola Kreka / Iz Tame u Svjetlo, 25.11.2023. in Steel Venue Rovinj, Rovinj


Predstavljamo vam novu vrstu programa na našem najdražem mjestu s našim prijateljima Fantasea Events.
Dovodimo predstavu svih predstava.
Priču koju svatko od nas treba čuti.
Priču o uništenim snovima.
Priču o bolu i patnji.
Priču o iscjeljenju i obnovi.
Priču o jedinstvenom Marinu Ivanoviću – Stoki.
Ovo je dobra prilika za sve mlade ljude, roditelje, profesore, poslovne ljude, bake i djedove da čuju sve o najcrnijim trenucima jednog ovisnika, ali i svjedočanstvo da uvijek, ali baš uvijek postoji IZLAZ.
Zato, ne razmišljajte previše i pridružite nam se u ovom iskustvu.

Datum: 25.11.2023.
Vrijeme: 20.00h – 22.00h
Mjesto: Steel Venue, Vijenac Braće lorenzetto 17

Vidimo se!

We present you a new type of program at our favorite place with our friends Fantasea Events.
We bring the performance of all the plays.
A story that each of us needs to hear.
A story about broken dreams.
A story about pain and suffering.
A story of healing and renewal.
The story of the unique Marin Ivanović - Stoka.
This is a good opportunity for all young people, parents, professors, business people, grandparents to hear everything about the darkest moments of an addict, but also a testimony that there is always, always a WAY OUT.
So, don't think too much and join us in this experience.

Date: 25.11.2023.
Time: 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m
Place: Steel Venue, Vijenac Braće lorenzetto 17

See you!

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Booking fee amount can sometimes depend on Entrio's commercial arrangements with the event Organizer.

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