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Register for MEETING G2.10 DESETLJEĆE POSLOVNOG POVEZIVANJA, 14.11.2024. - 15.11.2024. in Hotel Westin, Zagreb
Naša i vaša najdugovječnija i najpozitivnija konferencija koja već punih 10 godina poslovno povezuje i umrežuje Hrvatsku i dijasporu - MEETING G2 - ove se godine baš zato i održava pod nazivom "Desetljeće poslovnog povezivanja". Sve zainteresirane za umrežavanje s novim poslovnim partnerima iz Hrvatske i hrvatskog iseljeništva pozivamo 14. i 15. studenoga ove godine u Kristalnu dvoranu hotela Westin u srcu Zagreba!
Rezervirajte smještaj u hotelu Westin - posebna ponuda za sve goste Konferencije.
Proslavimo zajedno 10 godina poslovnog povezivanja domovinske i iseljene Hrvatske - jer zajedno smo jači!
Ali proslavimo onako kako najbolje znamo - radno, jer pripremamo:
- 10 panela i aktualne gospodarske teme
- 50+ panelista iz zemlje i svijeta
- vrhunske ključne govornike sa svih strana svijeta
- dodjelu nagrada "IZVRSNOST MG2" / "MG2 EXCELLENCE" najuspješnijim poduzetnicima i poslovnim ljudima hrvatskog porijekla iz Hrvatske i dijaspore
- WHO'S WHO IN G2 - predstavite sebe i svoje tvrtke, projekte i poslovne ideje, pronađite nove poslovne partnere i ulagače u svoje projekte, otkrijte nove prilike za ulaganja, nadahnite se novim idejama i motivirajućim poslovnim pričama svojih sunarodnjaka sa svih strana svijeta...
Our and your longest-running and most positive conference, which has been connecting and networking Croatia and the diaspora for 10 full years - MEETING G2 - is held this year under the name "A Decade of Business Connections." We invite all those interested in networking with new business partners from Croatia and the Croatian diaspora to join us on November 14th and 15th this year in the Crystal Ballroom of the Westin Hotel in the heart of Zagreb!
Reserve your accommodation at the Westin Hotel - special offer for all Conference guests.
Let’s celebrate together 10 years of business networking between Croatia and the diaspora - because together we are stronger!
But let’s celebrate in the way we know best - by working, as we are preparing:
10 panels and current economic topics
50+ panelists from the country and around the world
Top keynote speakers from all over the world
"MG2 Excellence" awards ceremony for the most successful entrepreneurs and business people of Croatian origin from Croatia and the diaspora
WHO'S WHO IN G2 - present yourself and your companies, projects, and business ideas, find new business partners and investors for your projects, discover new investment opportunities, and be inspired by new ideas and motivating business stories from your compatriots from all over the world...
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Booking fee amount can sometimes depend on Entrio's commercial arrangements with the event Organizer.
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