Istarski kanti: Istrian composers – Croatian Radiotelevision Choir

Istarski kanti: Istrian composers – Croatian Radiotelevision Choir

location-iconKatedrala Uznesenja Blažene Djevice Marije, Pula

Istarski kanti: Istrian composers – Croatian Radiotelevision Choir

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Get your tickets for Istarski kanti: Istrian composers – Croatian Radiotelevision Choir, 13.06.2024. in Katedrala Uznesenja Blažene Djevice Marije, Pula

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Četvrtak, 13.06. u 20.30 sati

Katedrala Uznesenja Marijina, Pula

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Zbog najavljenih nepovoljnih vremenskih prilika, umjesto u Malom rimskom kazalištu koncert „Istarski kanti“ u izvedbi Zbora HRT-a održat će se u četvrtak, 13.06. u pulskoj katedrali Uznesenja Marijina (Trg Sv. Tome 2) s početkom u 20.30 sati (umjesto 21.30 kako je bilo ranije najavljeno).

Koncert će, zbog preseljenja u Katedralu uslijed spomenutih loših vremenskih prilika, biti besplatan, a započinje u 20 sati i 30 minuta.

Svi zainteresirani građani svoju kartu za ovaj jedinstveni koncert koji slavi kulturno bogatstvo našeg zavičaja mogu preuzeti na prodajnom mjestu Pulskog kulturnog ljeta koje se nalazi na Giardinima svakog dana od 8:00 do 12:00, te od 18:00 do 21:00 sat. Jedna osoba može preuzeti najviše 4 ulaznice.

Koncert „Istarski kanti” posvećen domaćim, istarskim autorima, izvodi fantastični Zbor HRT-a pod ravnanjem dirigenta Domenika Briškog, docenta Odjela za glazbu Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli. Koncert donosi antologijska djela hrvatske zborne glazbe poput Matetićeve „Naš kanat je lip” i „Ćaće moj”, zatim „Naš domaći glas” velikog Borisa Papandopula, te neizostavne stihove pjesama dijalektalne poezije „Pod Učkun kućice bele” i „Tri nonice” Drage Gervaisa.

Bit će to prilika za raspjevani susret za sve one koji znaju, a i one koji će tek saznati, koliko je Naš kanat lip. 

Koncert počinje u 20:30 (ulaz od 19:45), a svi oni koji su karte kupili na Giardinima, na istome mjestu novac će im biti i vraćen. Za karte kupljene putem kupci će dobiti povrat na svoje kartice putem kojih ulaznice kupljene.

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Istrian composers: Croatian Radiotelevision Choir


Different and special, just like the country it comes from, the Istrian scale is in the hearts and ears of every Istrian. On Thursday, June 13, you can expect the "Istarski Kanti" concert dedicated to local, Istrian authors performed by the fantastic HRT Choir under the direction of conductor Domeniko Briški.

When thinking of Istrian notes and authors, thoughts first fly to Ivan Matetić Ronjgov, who is most responsible for the establishment of the Istrian scale and laying the foundation for one of the greatest cultural awards, the entry of the Istrian scale into the UNESCO list of representative intangible heritage.

The vast area of ​​unexplored harmonies and melodies of the Istrian scale is an ocean of creativity from which many authors were, and still are, inspired. The concert "Istarski kanti" brings a cross-section of what local authors have produced from that source up to today, like anthology works of Croatian choral music such as Matetić's "Naš kanat je lip" and "Ćaće moj", "Naš domaći glas" by the great Boris Papandopulo, "Pod Učkun kučice bela" and "Tri nonice" by Drago Gervais, "Travarica" by Nello Milotti and a premiere of a few new compositions such as "Škitački balun" by Massimo Brajković.

This will be an evening of gratitude for the Istrian musical heritage, but also of pride in what today's authors are leaving behind as their legacy. Three composers whose works we will hear are professors at the Academy of Music in Pula, Laura Čuperjani, Branko Okmaca and Massimo Brajković, and out of three of their works, two are premieres.

Performing a wide repertoire, from Renaissance to contemporary music, a cappella and with instrumental accompaniment, the HRT Choir shows exceptional versatility, which has earned it guest appearances throughout Europe, as well as numerous awards. The audience in Pula will be presented with a 'local programme' under the leadership of Domeniko Briški who is a respected member of the Istrian academic scene as an assistant professor at the Department of Music at Juraj Dobrila University.

This is an excellent opportunity to experience our tradition on the magical stage of the Small Roman Theater.

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