location-iconGospodarski centar Osječko-baranjske županije, Osijek

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Register for GREEN MATRIX SUMMIT, 14.12.2023. - 15.12.2023. in Gospodarski centar Osječko-baranjske županije, Osijek

U skladu s Europskom godinom vještina 2023., Green Matrix Summit organizira se kako bi se podržala inovacija, osnažilo ljude i tvrtke da doprinesu zelenim i digitalnim prijelazima, a istovremeno poduprlo inovacije i konkurentnost.

Okupljanje predstavnika i lidera u klimatskim promjenama s mladim poduzetnicima, studentima, start-upovima s ciljem povezivanja i razvoja ideja održivosti, znanosti, tehnologije, kreativnosti i kulture.

Prvi Green Matrix Summit u Osijeku istaknut će nove ideje i pristupe rješenjima koja su potrebna za promjenu načina razmišljanja prema održivom načinu življenja praćenim zelenom ekonomijom.

Tijekom dva dana Summit-a, održat će se zanimljivi paneli i prezentacije praćeni umrežavanjem govornika, političkih vođa, tehnoloških stručnjaka i lidera u industriji.

Ciljne skupine: poduzetnici, studenti, mladi inovatori, lideri, kreatori politika

Dvojezično: hrvatski i engleski jezik



In accordance with The European Year of Skills 2023, Green Matrix Summit is organised to support innovation, empower people and companies to contribute to the green and digital transitions while supporting innovation and competitiveness.

Gathering of champions and leaders in climate change with young entrepreneurs, students, start-ups, and meeting at the crossroads of sustainability, science, technology, creativity and culture.

First annual Green Matrix Summit in Osijek is organised as part of The European Year of Skills 2023 and will highlight new ideas and approaches to the solutions needed to address transition in mind-sets towards greener living followed by a green economy.

Inspiring days filled with keynotes, panel discussions, and networking with speakers, including political leaders, tech experts and industry leaders.

Target groups: entrepreneurs, students, young innovators, leaders, policy makers


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