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Future Tense powered by Lürssen 2025

Future Tense powered by Lürssen 2025

location-iconMozaik Event Centar, Zagreb

Future Tense powered by Lürssen 2025

Tickets / services / products



Single Regular Ticket / Pojedinačna regular ulaznica

1.50 EUR

The ticket includes access to all sessions, panel discussions and refreshments during the Conference.

375.00 EUR

The ticket includes access to all sessions, panel discussions and refreshments during the Conference.

Package 3+1 Regular Ticket / 3+1 paket ulaznica regular

1.50 EUR

Use this opportunity to pay for 3 tickets and get 1 free. The tickets include access to all sessions, panel discussions and refreshments during the Conference.

281.25 EUR

Use this opportunity to pay for 3 tickets and get 1 free. The tickets include access to all sessions, panel discussions and refreshments during the Conference.

Package 5+2 Ticket / 5+2 paket ulaznica regular

1.50 EUR

Use this opportunity to pay for 5 tickets and get 2 free. The tickets include access to all sessions, panel discussions and refreshments during the Conference.

267.86 EUR

Use this opportunity to pay for 5 tickets and get 2 free. The tickets include access to all sessions, panel discussions and refreshments during the Conference.

Live Stream Ticket / Ulaznica za live prijenos događaja

1.50 EUR

The ticket includes access to all virtual sessions and panel discussions during the Conference.

93.75 EUR

The ticket includes access to all virtual sessions and panel discussions during the Conference.

Students Ticket / Ulaznica za studente

1.50 EUR

The ticket includes access to all sessions, panel discussions and refreshments during the Conference. Please note you will be asked to provide your e-Student status record as proof at the entrance check point.

61.25 EUR

The ticket includes access to all sessions, panel discussions and refreshments during the Conference. Please note you will be asked to provide your e-Student status record as proof at the entrance check point.


0.00 EUR

x Fee :

0.00 EUR


0.00 EUR

More about the event

Register for Future Tense powered by Lürssen 2025, 08.05.2025. in Mozaik Event Centar, Zagreb

Future Tense powered by Lürssen, the renowned international B2B conference, is back in Zagreb this year, and you won't want to miss it! Join us in May for engaging sessions featuring some of the world's top futurists and speakers. This year's conference will delve into key topics such as the future of leadership, general business, sustainability, technology, smart cities, artificial intelligence and slowness, all with a broader perspective on societal trends.

This year's extraordinary lineup includes:

• Tamira Snell, Cultural Sociologist, Futurist & Senior advisor, presenting "FUTURE BEHAVIOURS FOR A SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY"
• Peter Hinssen, Global Innovation Expert & Founder of Nexxworks, sharing insights on "NAVIGATING RADICAL INNOVATION"
• Howard Yu, LEGO® Professor of Management and Innovation at IMD Switzerland, discussing "THE FUTURE-READY MINDSET: STRATEGIC RESILIENCE IN A WORLD OF RAPID CHANGE"
• Carl Honoré, Award-Winning Author & Voice of the Global Slow Movement, presenting "SLOW DOWN, POWER UP"
• Prof. Dr. Sami Kazi, Research Team Leader for Smart Cities and Intelligent Buildings at VTT, Finland, exploring "SMART CITIES AND INTELLIGENT BUILDINGS"

Reserve your spot for a day filled with practical insights, interactive discussions, and valuable panel debates. It's the perfect opportunity to stay informed, network with industry experts, and position your business for success.


Future Tense powered by Lürssen je ugledna međunarodna konferencija koja će i ove godine u Zagrebu ugostiti neke od najpoznatijih futurologa i govornika. Rezervirajte jedan svibanjski dan za predavanja, interaktivne razgovore i vrijedne panel rasprave koje će vas uvesti u nadolazeće trendove i poslovne modele.

Ovogodišnji program uključuje sljedeće teme i govornike:

• Tamira Snell, kulturna sociologinja, futuristica i viša savjetnica, s predavanjem "FUTURE BEHAVIOURS FOR A SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY"
• Peter Hinssen, globalni stručnjak za inovacije i osnivač Nexxworksa, koji će govoriti o temi "NAVIGATING RADICAL INNOVATION"
• Howard Yu, LEGO® profesor menadžmenta i inovacija na IMD Switzerland, s temom "THE FUTURE-READY MINDSET: STRATEGIC RESILIENCE IN A WORLD OF RAPID CHANGE"
• Carl Honoré, nagrađivani autor i glas globalnog Slow pokreta, koji predstavlja "SLOW DOWN, POWER UP"
• Prof. dr. Sami Kazi, voditelj istraživačkog tima za pametne gradove i inteligentne zgrade u VTT-u, Finska, s temom "SMART CITIES AND INTELLIGENT BUILDINGS"

Tematski fokus ovogodišnje konferencije bit će budućnost leadershipa, general businessa, održivosti, tehnologije, pametnih gradova, umjetne inteligencije i slownessa, a sve uz širi pogled na društvene trendove.

Osigurajte svoja mjesta što prije i steknite vrijedne uvide u budućnost poslovanja na ovogodišnjem izdanju Future Tense powered by Lürssen konferencije. To je idealna prilika da ostanete informirani, povežete se sa stručnjacima iz industrije i pozicionirate svoje poslovanje za uspjeh.

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What is the Booking fee?

The Boooking fee covers one part of the costs that Entrio, as a ticketing agency, incurs to process the transaction, issue the ticket and allow you to enjoy the event.

Entrio charges Booking fee for every ticket purchased, for all payment methods on the Internet and at points of sale, which covers, among other things, the cost of Entrio customer support, server system maintenance, administration and other costs associated with issuing the ticket .

Booking fee amount can sometimes depend on Entrio's commercial arrangements with the event Organizer.

Booking fee is non-refundable.

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