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Buy tickets for DISCO REVIVAL: 70'S & 80'S HITS @RIBARNICA RIJEKA w/DJ LUCA MONTECCHI, 06.07.2024. - 07.07.2024. in Ribarnica Rijeka, Rijeka
◐ Ljubitelji dobrog disko zvuka, pripremite se jer disko groznicu ovog puta premještamo na posebnu lokaciju - riječku ribarnicu!
📆 Date: Saturday, July 6th, 2024
🕺 Time: 21:00h - 02:00h
📍 Location: Ribarnica Rijeka
◐ Ulaznice možete kupiti i u:
Dallas Music Shop Rijeka
The Beertija - Rijeka
Ghetaldus Tower Centar Rijeka
Ghetaldus - ZTC Rijeka
Ghetaldus - Opatija
New Sound - Matulji
◐ Disco Revival 70's & 80's Hits ovog će puta premijerno biti održan u jedinstvenom prostoru riječke ribarnice, izgrađene davnih 1880-ih godina, koja će za ovu priliku zasjati u šarenom disko ambijentu.
◐ DJ Luca Montecchi provest će vas kroz najveće hitove 70-ih i 80-ih godina, i osigurati da plesni podij vibrira do ranih jutarnjih sati. Događaj počinje u 21:00h i trajat će sve do 02:00h ujutro, pružajući vam pet sati neprekidne glazbene nostalgije.
◐ Ulaznice su ograničene, stoga požurite i osigurajte svoje mjesto putem ili na svim ovlaštenim mjestima za fizičku prodaju Entrio ulaznica.
◐ Ne zaboravite odjenuti svoje najbolje retro outfite i pripremite se za spektakularni ples pod kuglom u riječkoj ribarnici. Vidimo se na plesnom podiju!
◐ ENG.
◐ Disco enthusiasts, get ready because this time we're moving the disco fever to a special location - the Rijeka Fish Market!
◐ Disco Revival 70's & 80's Hits will be held for the first time in the unique setting of the Rijeka Fish Market, built in the 1880s, which will shine in a colorful disco ambiance for this occasion.
◐ DJ Luca Montecchi will take you through the biggest hits of the 70s and 80s, ensuring the dance floor vibrates until the early morning hours. The event starts at 9:00 PM and will last until 3:00 AM, giving you six hours of uninterrupted musical nostalgia.
◐ Tickets are limited, so hurry and secure your spot via or at all authorized Entrio physical sales points.
◐ Don't forget to wear your best retro outfits and get ready for a spectacular dance under the disco ball at the Rijeka Fish Market. See you on the dance floor!