20th OUP ELT Conference - Visualize success beyond the classroom

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Register for 20th OUP ELT Conference - Visualize success beyond the classroom, 02.12.2023. in CineStar Zagreb (Branimir mingle mall), Zagreb
Oxford University Press i Profil Klett, ekskluzivni distibuter OUP izdanja u Hrvatskoj, s veseljem Vas pozivaju na jubilarnu, dvadesetu po redu, 'Oxfordicu'!
Pripremili smo za Vas uzbudljiv program s aktualnim i zanimljivim temama kroz koje će Vas voditi stručni predavači!
Saznajte sve novitete iz OUP-a, inspirirajte se za nove izazove u nastavi koje donosi napredak tehnologije i provedite dan u ugodnom društvu kolega i kolegica iz cijele Hrvatske!
10.10-11.10 Gareth Davies: AI - a journey of discovery (pleanary talk)
When I started teaching, I used chalk on chalkboards, cassettes in cassette players and the school had one overhead projector between 20 teachers. Times have changed - CD players, data projectors, whiteboards, interactive whiteboards, Learner Management Systems, and of course the internet, have all threatened to bamboozle us and make us reconsider our teaching approach. But as resourceful teachers, we’ve overcome each challenge. Now, we are faced with the latest technological challenge - AI. Come with me, as I go on a journey of discovery, asking what AI means and what it means to us as teachers? We’ll explore the ways it can help us, how it might hinder us and we’ll leave you equipped to begin to face down this latest challenge, just as we’ve done the others.
11.15-12.00 Mia Mandić: Read your way to better English! school project in state schools (pleanary talk)
Mia Mandić, project leader for the Read your way to better English school project will tell you all about the project which promotes reading in English for fun. Mia will tell you how the number of participants in the project has expanded and show some interesting students' outputs.Also, your collegues will tell you more about their own experience with the project.
10.10-12.00 Ivana Prodan: Learn and teach with Mouse and Me! (only for kindergarten teachers)
Radionica je namijenjena voditeljima kraćih programa ranog učenja engleskog jezika u vrtiću. Kroz Oxfordov naslov Mouse and Me proći ćemo nekoliko osnovnih segmenata metodike ranog učenja engleskog jezika odnosno vizualne kartice (flashcards) i igre istima, korištenje lutke pričopričalice (puppet learning) te pričanje priče (storytelling). Također, dati ćemo Vam ideje kako koristiti i druge materijale iz Mouse and Me paketa poput postera te Vas upoznati s njihovim radnim bilježnicnicama i online platformom za učenje od kuće.
12.30-13.15 Maria Davou: Unlocking Potential: Exploring Play-Based Learning for Young Learners
This talk delves into the transformative power of play-based learning in early childhood education. We examine how structured play activities stimulate cognitive, social, and emotional development, fostering creativity and curiosity. By integrating play into the curriculum, educators can create engaging, inclusive, and joyful learning environments. We explore evidence-backed methodologies, highlighting the benefits of imaginative play, games, and role-playing for skill-building. Join us to discover the science behind play-based learning, and how it nurtures a lifelong love of learning in young minds, empowering them to thrive in a rapidly evolving world.
13.25-14.10 Maria Davou: Teaching Grammar Without Teaching Grammar
In this talk, we will explore ways of subtly integrating grammar tasks in all skills. Grammar is present everywhere and there is no language without it. However, teaching Grammar communicatively is often a riddle for teachers. How can we design grammar tasks that are creative and meaningful? How can we teach grammar “in disguise”? The talk will include examples from soft-CLIL and values-based approaches.
12.30-13.15 Caroline Reading: Life Vision – your students’ success, now and in the future
Life Vision is the six-level successor course to Solutions. In developing this course, we kept some of the trusted strengths of Solutions whilst at the same time incorporating new skills that students need today to become responsible and global citizens in a digital age. In this session I aim to show you the similarities between Solutions and Life Vision, and also the main areas of methodology and features that differentiate Life Vision from Solutions, such as engaging video, soft critical thinking skills, speaking practice, Mediation tasks, Global Skills lessons, 360○ image lessons and Assessment forLearning as well as the course materials, both digital and print, that support teachers.
13.25-14.10 Gareth Davies: Get your students speaking with Insight 2nd Edition
A student said to me recently that if they say less, they will make fewer mistakes. This saddened me greatly. The goal of learning a language should be to equip ourselves with the means to communicate, not to make as few errors as possible. I want students to see English as a tool to get things done not as a subject they need to pass. In this talk, we will look at how we can motivate our students to talk by setting meaningful, challenging, creative tasks throughout the lesson that will help them to stretch their existing knowledge and communicate effectively in English.
Gareth Davies
Gareth Davies, also known as Gareth the Storyteller, is a storyteller, teacher, teacher trainer, examiner and writer based in Pontypridd, South Wales. He has been involved in English language teaching since 1995 and has taught or trained in over 40 countries working with Oxford University Press since 2005. Gareth is interested in creativity in the classroom and how storytelling techniques can help develop students written, spoken and reading skills as well as their listening skills. Away from teaching, Gareth is an author of fiction; his novel Humans, Being was published in 2019 and he is currently working on two others.
Maria Davou
Maria Davou is a school owner, teacher, teacher trainer, researcher, author and storyteller. She has a BA in Philosophy, Cambridge DELTA, an MA in TESOL, St Michael’s College, Vermont, and has studied for a PhD in Applied Linguistics at Lancaster University, UK, completing her Doctorate degree in Athens. Maria held an ESRC research award. She has more than thirty years’ experience in teaching, teacher training and syllabus design in Greece, the UK and the US. Maria is a language school owner in Athens, promoting alternative and experiential models of teaching. She is an international trainer and academic consultant for publishing companies, private schools and Ministries of Education. Maria is an adjunct professor for the Hellenic American University (HAEC), where she teaches TESOL Management and for the MA in Creative Writing at the University of West Macedonia. She’s the co-founder of QUALIFY, teaching Trinity CertTESOL and DipTESOL.
Caroline Reading
After nearly 25 years teaching English, primarily in Oxford, Caroline moved into publishing and has worked at Oxford University Press, on both adult and secondary courses for the last 15 years. She is the Product Development Lead (Managing Editor) for Life Vision. Caroline divides her time between Oxford and a small cottage in the Cotswold and in her free time, she likes history, cooking, reading, playing the piano and gardening.
Ivana Prodan
Ivana Prodan studied at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb, and completed her education at the University of Udine, where she attended the "Scienze dell'Educazione e della Formazione" course, thus acquiring methodical and communication skills for organizing and designing successful forms of education and teaching. She worked as a pedagogue in elementary school and kindergarten and taught English and Italian to children aged 4 to 12 at two renowned foreign language schools. After returning to Croatia, all her business development is focused exclusively on working with children. In September 2016, the Mali Princ private language school for children between the ages of 3 and 15 opened in Zagreb, and soon it will have its own branch in Varaždin. In 2018, together with her colleague Božena Vrgoč, she launched a project called Language and Kindergarten, which monthly educates about 60 educators throughout Croatia and the region on the formation of a method of teaching foreign languages to children of kindergarten age. In the same year, she published a professional article "Methodology of early foreign language learning". She attended numerous educations and professional trainings that led her in the direction of developing her own method of teaching foreign languages to children of preschool and primary school age.
Mia Mandić
Mia Mandić has a master's degree in English and Hispanic studies with working experience in primary and secondary schools as well as mentoring students in their final years of practice. During her teaching career, she was mainly engaged in project work aimed at promoting foreign languages learning in Croatian public schools.She is currently employed as a foreign language teaching consultant in the publishing house Profil Klett, where she is the head of the Read Your Way to Better English project. The main goal of this project is to promote reading literacy among primary and secondary school students.
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