All Entrio tickets for this event are sold out, for more information please contact the organizer

More about the event
Buy tickets for 13. Vlajternativa festival Benkovac, 10.08.2024. in Igralište Srednje škole kneza Branimira Benkovac, Benkovac
13. Vlajternativa festival Benkovac is one of the biggest gatherings of alternative music scene in Croatia. It attracts all participants of the independent scene, artists, audience and all kinds of people who likes rock n roll music and all of it's subgenres. We mostly do punk and metal music with different versions of interpretation and mixing the genres in one big happening. Festival is some kind of a connection of diy approach, subculture and alternative mainstream music scene, because we always have one big headliner name that attracts audience who will also hear and watch some minor young band from the underground scene.
We promise you will have a best time, enjoying in relaxing atmosphere, affordable prices of tickets, food and drinks. You can find, buy and support Vlajternativa festival merch ( T-shirts). There will also be merch of bands who are playing, but also books, CD's, comic books and others of croatian independent music publisher Slušaj Najglasnije/ Listen Loudest, and merchandise of Komikaze - international platform for independent comics.
See you this summer on the 10th august 2024.
Punk rock music saves lives ;-)
Line up:
1. Savršeni Marginalci (old school Hladno Pivo) punk/rock Zagreb
2. Liquid SuperCharge (speed rock, Pula)
3. The Toy Dolls (punk/rock, UK)
4. Stratus (hc punk/trash metal) Šibenik
5.Porazium (death metal) Zagreb
6.War Head (trash metal) Osijek
7. Neon lies ( darkwave post punk ) Zagreb
13. Vlajternativa festival Benkovac jedno je od najvećih okupljališta alternativne glazbene scene u Hrvatskoj. Privlači sve sudionike nezavisne scene, umjetnike i publiku te sve vrste ljudi koji vole rock 'n' roll glazbu i sve vrste podžanrova. Uglavnom radimo punk i metal glazbu s različitim verzijama interpretacija i miješanjem žanrova u jednom velikom događaju. Festival je svojevrsni spoj diy, subkulture i alternativne mainstream glazbene scene, jer uvijek imamo jedno veliko headlinersko ime koje privuče publiku koja će čuti i pogledati i neko manje mlado ime s underground scene.
Obećajemo vam najbolji provod, uživanje u opuštajućoj atmosferi, pristupačnim cijenama ulaznica, hrane, pića i robe festivala, bendova i neovisnih glazbenih izdavača. (Komikaze i Slušaj Najglasnije)
Vidimo se ovo ljeto 10. kolovoza 2024.
Punk rock glazba spašava živote ;-)
1. Savršeni Marginalci (old school Hladno Pivo) punk rock Zagreb
2. Liquid SuperCharge (speed rock, Pula)
3. The Toy Dolls (punk/rock, UK) http://www.thetoydolls.com/
4. Stratus (hc punk/trash metal) Šibenik
5.Porazium (death metal) Zagreb
6.War Head (trash metal) Osijek
7. Neon lies ( darkwave post punk ) Zagreb
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The Boooking fee covers one part of the costs that Entrio, as a ticketing agency, incurs to process the transaction, issue the ticket and allow you to enjoy the event.
Entrio charges Booking fee for every ticket purchased, for all payment methods on the Internet and at points of sale, which covers, among other things, the cost of Entrio customer support, server system maintenance, administration and other costs associated with issuing the ticket .
Booking fee amount can sometimes depend on Entrio's commercial arrangements with the event Organizer.
Booking fee is non-refundable.
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