Predstava FURY u Tvornici kulture

Predstava FURY u Tvornici kulture

location-iconTvornica Kulture P232, Zagreb

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Kupi karte oz vstopnice za Predstava FURY u Tvornici kulture, 14.01.2019. - 15.01.2019. v Tvornica Kulture P232, Zagreb

U TVORNICI KULTURE 14.01. i 15.01.2019.

Žestoka svirka, revolucionarne ideje i uzbudljivo putovanje kroz rock and roll povijest koja se nikada zaista nije dogodila. U svemu tome moći ćete uživati u Tvornici Kulture uz Fury Revolution Revival Tour. Predstava je rezultat ponovne suradnje starog kazališnog dvojca, redatelja Mirana Kurspahića i dramaturginje Rone Žulj.

Slaveći 50 godina proteklih od revolucionarne '68., predstava Fury Revolution Revival Tour povest ćevas na pseudo-dokumentarno putovanje u New York kraja šezdesetih i sedamdesetih, kroz društvenu i glazbenu scenu klubova Max's Kanzas City i CBGB. To je priča o nastanku i padu jedne revolucionarne ideje. O nastanku i padu benda Fury koji tu ideju predstavlja. O politici i slavi, viziji i kompromisu, o mladosti i odrastanju. I glazbenom žanru koji dan-danas predstavlja otpor establišmentu.

“Ova predstava je izraz mog nepopravljivog optimizma, uvjerenosti kako je mogućnost za promjenom uvijek prisutna.” kaže Miran Kurspahić, redatelj predstave.“Obično se bunt, prevrat, revolucija vezuju uz nešto destruktivno, no za mene je to nešto pozitivno, nešto što gura naprijed i stvara bolje sutra. Težnja za boljim, pravednijim sustavom, ili novom, drugačijom glazbom u ovom slučaju, uvijek je u srži onih koji hrabro krče put ostalima. Fury odaje počast svim pionirima, onima koji su probijali led u bilo kojem području i prkosili većini. Dopustili smo da nas se uvjeri kako je otpor uzaludan, no ima nas još nekolicina naivnih koji se drsko opiremo značenju i vidimo svjetlo na kraju tunela, makar se tamo nalazio zid.”

U predstavi kao glumci i glazbenici nastupaju Nikša Marinović, Miran Kurspahić, Domagoj Janković, Karlo Mrkša i Sven Jakir. Autorsku glazbu koju ćete slušati s pozornice potpisuju sami izvođači, a video Vanja Vascarac. PREDSTAVA SE U POTPUNOSTI IZVODI NA ENGLESKOME JEZIKU.


Fury Revolution Revival Tour, written by Rona Žulj and Miran Kurspahić.

It's a story about the revolution, through the prism of the musical revolution and its very specific punk movement, which for a variety of reasons has never become a part of mainstream and was never generally accepted. Inspired by the book, "Please kill me," McNeil and McCain, about the beginnings of Punk, written in the form of verbal confession of actual participants and participants of events, we decided to bring this music-stage project to the viewers as a fake documentary or fakumentary, about proto-punk band called Fury, and its fictional gathering, its members, managers, agents, fans, journalists, friends, and others, and also about the beginning and development of Punk as music and movement. Of course, the main theme we are dealing with is the revolution and its mechanisms. Through testimonies, short film clips and especially music, we present chronology, destiny, ups and downs, excitement and disappointment, historical, social and cultural circumstances formed around the fictional band. The main characters are fabricated and placed in the New York and in the context of the seventies of the last century, where the play itself would be located. Through these heroes, we unveil the ways in which the individual insurgency is transformed into the massive one, as an isolated group takes on the broader social context, and how lives, growth, career, association and disagreement of members of the band themselves affect a mass movement. All the music in the show is performed live in front of the audience, and is performed by the actors themselves, creating for the audience the same time realistic experience of the real concert in opposition with the unrealistic, fabricated parts of the story that narrates the scene. In this way, questioning as such becomes the basic position of the viewer, and only then the question about one's own position in the world, life and possibilities for revolution can be put in front of each of us.
The play is performed in English and has no subtitles. It’s a R’N’R theatre extravaganza ????????
Directed by Miran Kurspahić
Dramaturgy by Rona Žulj
Music by FURY
Video by Vanja Vascarac

Performing: Nikša Marinović, Miran Kurspahić, Karlo Mrkša, Domagoj Janković, Sven Jakir

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