LEAP Summit 2024

LEAP Summit 2024

location-iconSEECEL, Zagreb

O dogodku

Prijavi se za LEAP Summit 2024, 15.05.2024. - 16.05.2024. v SEECEL, Zagreb

LEAP Summit is a leading multidisciplinary conference in SEE that influenced more than 10.000 people from 40+ countries over the years.

Are you looking for networking, experience, fun, and knowledge? LEAP is the place for you! LEAP brings three stages: LEAP track, Ideas&Tech track, and Sustainable Innovations track.

🔵 3 stages

🟢 2000+ participants from more than 30 countries

🟡 60+ speakers

🔴 1 conference

LEAP Summit || 15 & 16/5/2024 || Zagreb, Croatia 🌏

Highlighted speakers:

  • Kyrylo Khomiakov, Regional head of CEE, Central Asia @Binance
  • Jaïr Halevi, Startup & VC lead @Miro & Head of Culture @Pygma
  • Kareem Edwards, Major Program Management @Amazon
  • Zoltan Vardy, Startup Mentor & Founder @The Launch Code
  • Raya Drenski, Founder of Brand Like A Girl & Professor @EU Business School Munich
  • Paul Bradbury, CEO of Total Croatia News, YouTuber, Public Speaker
  • Mikele Guido Dolci, Founder @Green Fashion Week
  • Donato Kiniger Passigli, Vice President @World Academy of Art and Science

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