ZIP MasterClass #1 with Colette Ballou and Christian Thaler-Wolski

ZIP MasterClass #1 with Colette Ballou and Christian Thaler-Wolski

location-iconFakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb

O događaju

Preuzmi karte odnosno ulaznice za ZIP MasterClass #1 with Colette Ballou and Christian Thaler-Wolski, 05.07.2013. u Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb

ZIP MasterClass series is a program of guest lectures by experienced entrepreneurs from all over the world, who will come to Croatia to speak about startups and entrepreneurship, therefore actively engaging in the development of the regional startup ecosystem. Support for this project has been generously provided by the US Embassy in Zagreb.

We're really lucky to have two rockstar speakers for our first MasterClass event: Colette Ballou, founder and president of Ballou PR, and Christian Thaler-Wolski, principal at Wellington Partners (one of the top European VC funds) and mentor at Seedcamp. Colette will share her rich expertise in PR and give advice on how startups should go about building relationships with the media, while Christian will talk about raising money from European VCs, providing useful tips and suggestions.

Date & time: July 5th, 16:00 - 19:00

Venue: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) at the University of Zagreb, lecture room B4

Attendance is free, so we can hardly think of a reason for you not to come - just be quick to register via Entrio and join us next Friday for a startupy evening ;)

And follow the updates about the event on our social media channels!

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