location-iconWespa Spaces Business & Lounge, Zagreb

O događaju

Prijava odnosno registracija za truZAGREB, 09.04.2024. u Wespa Spaces Business & Lounge, Zagreb



Taladria and TalentLyft are partnering to proudly bring you #truZagreb 2024!

Tuesday, 9th April 2024, from 9:30 to 16:30 @ WESPA, Radnička cesta 50, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia


We are bringing together Talent Acquisition, Recruitment, HR and HR Tech professionals for a full day of discussions on most important topics around finding, hiring and developing the best talent in these fast-changing times, getting our businesses ready for what is coming next.

Side by side, we will learn about innovative ideas and practical solutions, share best practices and find ways to recruit better.

Join us and become a member of the global #tru community!

Connections made at tru events reach wide and far, many already resulted in new career opportunities, businesses started, products developed, and lasting friendships made.

Number of seats is limited, so make sure to book yours before it's too late!

#tru is a non-profit event and all proceeds from ticket sales will go towards making the day even better. Your ticket will include refreshments and lunch.

Find out about topics and discussion Leaders by following this link!

(Teme koje će biti vođene isključivo na engleskom jeziku su posebno označene.)

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