TRIBUTE TO BLONDIE LIVE / koncert / 27.04.2024. @Metropolis Club

TRIBUTE TO BLONDIE LIVE / koncert / 27.04.2024. @Metropolis Club

location-iconMetropolis Music & Billiards Club, Zagreb

TRIBUTE TO BLONDIE LIVE / koncert / 27.04.2024. @Metropolis Club

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Kupi karte odnosno ulaznice za TRIBUTE TO BLONDIE LIVE / koncert / 27.04.2024. @Metropolis Club, 27.04.2024. - 28.04.2024. u Metropolis Music & Billiards Club, Zagreb

Tribute to BLONDIE, koncert pod nazivom Back to Blondie u Metropolis klubu 27.04.2024.

Metropolis Club najavljuje spektakl koji će uzbuditi ljubitelje glazbe u Zagrebu i šire, Back to Blondie, popularni tribute bend iz Nizozemske, sprema se zapaliti pozornicu svojim nevjerojatnim nastupom posvećenim legendarnom bendu Blondie.

Ovaj koncert obećava nezaboravno glazbeno putovanje kroz najveće hitove i najupečatljivije trenutke iz karijere obožavanog benda iz New Yorka. Back to Blondie ne samo da izgleda kao Blondie, već i zvuči poput njih - njihova vjerna interpretacija i strastveni nastup donose autentično iskustvo koje će oduševiti i najzahtjevnije ljubitelje glazbe.

Pripremite se za plesnu groznicu jer će Back to Blondie izvoditi sve vaše omiljene hitove, uključujući "Denis", "Hanging on the Telephone", "Heart of Glass", "Rapture" i "The Tide Is High". Bend će vas oduševiti i manje poznatim, ali jednako zaraznim pjesmama iz opusa Blondieja, zajedno s velikim svjetskim hitom "Maria".

Datum 27.04.2024. je rezerviran za glazbeni događaj koji ne smijete propustiti!
Metropolis Club je centar glazbenih koncerata, pružajući vam priliku da doživite pravi praznik za ljubitelje glazbe iz prošlog stoljeća.

Prije koncerta a i nakon koncerta nastavljamo uz DJ Sammy-a & DJ Sish-a.

Ulaznice su već u prodaji, stoga osigurajte svoje mjesto na ovom spektakularnom koncertu.
Ne propustite priliku biti dio ovog jedinstvenog glazbenog iskustva!
Kupite svoje ulaznice već danas i budite spremni na nezaboravnu noć uz Back to Blondie u Metropolis Club-u Zagreb!

Ulaznice za ovaj koncert nabavite u:
u klubu Metropolis (šank, svakim danom 11:00h – 01:00h)
i sustavu, po pretprodajnoj cijeni od 10 eura i na dan koncerta 12 eura.
Više ( info. & karte) : 091 / 440 – 0302, Metropolis Club

Tribute to BLONDIE - Back to Blondie Concert

Join us at Metropolis Club on April 27, 2024, for an unforgettable musical journey with the popular tribute band Back to Blondie from the Netherlands! Get ready for an evening filled with the greatest hits and most memorable moments from the career of the legendary group Blondie from New York.

Back to Blondie is not just an ordinary tribute band - they not only look like Blondie but also sound like them. Their passionate interpretation and fidelity to the original bring an authentic experience that will satisfy even the biggest music enthusiasts.

Expect incredible performances of your favorite hits such as "Denis," "Hanging on the Telephone," "Heart of Glass," "Rapture," and "The Tide Is High." The band will also delight you with lesser-known but equally infectious songs from Blondie's repertoire, including the worldwide hit "Maria."

The date April 27, 2024, is reserved for this musical spectacle you can't afford to miss! Metropolis Club, known as the center of musical concerts, will provide you with the opportunity to experience a true celebration for music lovers from the last century.

Before the concert and after the concert we continue with
DJ Sammy-a & DJ Sish-a.

Tickets are already on sale, so secure your spot at this spectacular concert. Don't miss the chance to be part of this unique musical experience! Buy your tickets today and get ready for an unforgettable night with Back to Blondie at Metropolis Club Zagreb!

Tickets for this concert can be obtained:

At Metropolis Club (at the bar, every day from 11:00 to 01:00)
Through the system, at a pre-sale price of 10 euros, and on the day of the concert at a price of 12 euros.
For more information and ticket purchase, contact Metropolis Club at 091 / 440 – 0302.

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