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Prijava odnosno registracija za Sunset Sports Media Festival, 06.06.2024. - 08.06.2024. u Fortis Club, Petrčane
Sunset Sports Media Festival jedinstveni je i globalni festival koji okuplja najveće profesionalce u svijetu sporta, businessa i medija te predstavlja jedinstvenu platformu za razmjenu ideja i stvaranje novih poslovnih prilika, uspješno spajajući sve entitete koji se naslanjaju na sport – od aktivnih i bivših sportaša do ljudi koji vode klubove i saveze te predstavnika medijskih kuća koje produciraju sportski sadržaj. Treće izdanje Sunset Sport Media Festivala održat će se od 6. do 8. lipnja 2024. godine, u Zadru, gradu sporta i turizma s najljepšim zalaskom sunca na svijetu.
The Sunset Sports Media Festival is a unique and global festival that brings together the biggest professionals in the world of sports, business, and media, offering a unique platform for the exchange of ideas and the creation of new business opportunities. It successfully connects all entities related to sports – from active and former athletes to people managing clubs and associations, as well as representatives of media houses that produce sports content. The third edition of the Sunset Sports Media Festival will be held from June 6 to 8, 2024, in Zadar, a city of sports and tourism with the most beautiful sunset in the world.