Success Fundamentals: Overcome Procrastination, Maximize Productivity and Develop the Discipline Crucial for becoming a High-Achiever

Success Fundamentals: Overcome Procrastination, Maximize Productivity and Develop the Discipline Crucial for becoming a High-Achiever

location-iconImpact HUB Zagreb, Vlaška 70E Zagreb, Zagreb

O događaju

Kupi karte odnosno ulaznice za Success Fundamentals: Overcome Procrastination, Maximize Productivity and Develop the Discipline Crucial for becoming a High-Achiever, 08.11.2018. - 29.11.2018. u Impact HUB Zagreb, Vlaška 70E Zagreb, Zagreb

Success Fundamentals: Overcome Procrastination, Maximize Productivity and Develop the Discipline Crucial for becoming a High-Achiever

4 session workshop!

What if you could *triple* your productivity?

Not only that, what if you had the focus, drive, and discipline do what it takes to achieve your life goals?

Because without structure, systems, and that discipline, you are never going to get past mediocre.

Join us in an amazing opportunity for people who know where they want to go yet need that extra something to get there.

Best-selling business leadership author and former Californian software entrepreneur R. Michael Anderson has teamed up with Impact Hub Zagreb to put on a unique program.

Michael will be teaching the necessary skills to be truly successful. It’s the same skills that organizations like Uber, Stanford University, and Microsoft bring Michael in to make their leaders the best in the business.

Take-aways of enrolling in this course include;

Learn why you put off things and procrastinate, and how to overcome it each and every time
Gain foundational systems to manage your whole life, and start doing less while achieving much more
Free yourself of the stress, anxiety, and self-doubt that keep you locked into place
Adapt life-changing disciplines that move you into action and propel you forward

This unique course not only gives you world-class content; it’s designed for you to implement it into your life through support and accountability - you complete the course with a transformed life.


Business owners struggling with overwhelm
People who aspire to start a business or other big project (write a book, blog, etc.)
Freelancers who are talented yet unfocused
Managers who aren’t as strategic as they need to be to get noticed and promoted

This is a one-time only event, and seats are limited, so join a select group of fellow change makers and sign up now.

(Course is in English)


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