location-iconKomarda Beach / Club Lazareti, Dubrovnik

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Kupi karte odnosno ulaznice za SONIC FESTIVAL 2023, 11.08.2023. - 13.08.2023. u Komarda Beach / Club Lazareti, Dubrovnik

Mark your calendars for AUGUST 11 & 12. SONIC presents you with another spectacular location. This year we dance at LAZARETI.

The second edition of the SONIC festival  will take place on August 11 and 12 at Komarda beach and Lazareti club.

Lazareti is the only fully preserved quarantine complex on the European side of the Mediterranean, and has been under the protection of UNESCO since 1994. Today, Lazareti is the heart of creativity and art in Dubrovnik.

Only the best of the best representing house music at this years SONIC festival. UK’s and Ibiza finest disco jockey, producer and hit maker Archie Hamilton and Detroit’s house master Stacey Pullen are taking over the stage on August 11&12th! We are raising the music bar higher with these two at the most spectacular location on this side of the Adriatiac.

Heating up the SONIC fever along side Archie Hamilton and Stacey Pullen we present you: DJ Bozzo, Brigitta & MattButt, Damian Leboss, Kali Braun, Neroa, Pablo Panda, Zhajo.

SONIC festival is a new name on the Croatian electro scene that will surely delight its audience by their choice of location. 

Join us at another historical dance floor on AUGUST 11 & 12!

 Tickets for the SONIC festival on August 11 & 12 can be purchased through the Entrio system starting July 11.

Table reservations: [email protected] 

18+ event

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