Reboot Develop 2015

Reboot Develop 2015

location-iconRadisson BLU Resort & Spa, Dubrovnik Sun Gardens, Dubrovnik

O događaju

Prijava odnosno registracija za Reboot Develop 2015, 23.04.2015. - 25.04.2015. u Radisson BLU Resort & Spa, Dubrovnik Sun Gardens, Dubrovnik

!!! Because of your numerious inquiries and because of Easter holidays we are EXTENDING the deadline for STANDARD TICKET PRICE avaliability by 14th of April

* All purchases are noted in Croatian currenty HRK (Kuna) and will be billed to you in your local currency

3 day package (EARLY BIRD, STANDARD, LAST MINUTE) includes access to more then 40 lectures, b2b and indie area + each day 2 coffee breaks and highend restaurant lunch + official Reboot Develop 2015 party

*All tickets are non-refundable


Biggest game developer conference in South-Eeast Europe in it’s second year is moving to amazing city of Dubrovnik. Reboot Develop 2015 will gather some of the world famous game developer speakers and for the first time add a large special business 2 business area with significant number of worldwide publishers and developers attending.

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