On The Terrace - Trsat Castle

On The Terrace - Trsat Castle

location-iconTrsatska gradina, Rijeka

O događaju

Kupi karte odnosno ulaznice za On The Terrace - Trsat Castle, 31.07.2021. u Trsatska gradina, Rijeka

ON THE TERRACE OPEN AIR (Saturday, July 31)
Trsatska Gradina, Rijeka
Start: 16:00h
Latest entrance: 18:00h
INFO & VIP TABLE RESERVATIONS: [email protected]

Last weekend we concurred Cesarova beach, this Saturday we dance at historic Trsat Castle! 🏰
We welcome 2 guests that are part of the Balance FM organization, Krekman & Mark Ash 🙌
🕺🏽 Both well-known on Croatian scene, they will bring their experience and love to club music to our medieval dance floor!



* Event ticket must be presented and accompanied by a valid formal certificate issued by the competent health institution, which confirms that you have been:

1. vaccinated against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, or
2. have had COVID-19 disease or
3. that you have a negative PCR or rapid antigen test for SARS-CoV-2 (available at the entrance for 50kn from 15h-19h)

* If you do not have the above document, please test yourself in one of the certified laboratories no later than 1 day before the start of the event to obtain confirmation of negative PCR or rapid antigen test, to enter the event quickly and smoothly.

* If you arrive at the location without the above document, we will allow you to test with a quick antigen test at the entrance to the event, which will be charged extra. We strongly advise you to do the testing the day before so that you don't have to wait unnecessarily for on-site testing.

Without Digital Covid Certificate for Croatian citizens or without a formal certificate from the competent health institution for foreign nationals, it will not be possible to enter the event.

These rules were adopted by the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia, and the organizers of this event have no influence on them and must strictly adhere to them.
Thank you for your understanding.


Mogu li prisustvovati eventu ako sam prebolio COVID ili sam cijepljeni?
Preko e-građani izvucite EU propusnicu. ☑️

Mogu li prisustvovati eventu ako nisam prebolio COVID ili nisam cijepljeni?
Napravite brzi test na miru bez čekanja u ovlaštenoj ordinaciji i dobijete EU propusnicu koja vrijedi 48 sati.☑️

Nisam prebolio COVID, nisam cijepljen i nisam stigao napraviti PCR test. Hoće li biti brzih testova na ulazu?
Nema problema. Dođite na ulaz i napravite brzi test po povoljnoj cijeni od 50kn i dobijete EU propusnicu. Dostupno od 15h-19h. Molimo vas da dođete ranije zbog čekanja rezultata testa.☑️

Za sve tri opcije potrebna vam je osobna iskaznica uz EU potvrda. Za one koji možda nemaju E-građani ili neznaju gdje zatražiti EU potvrdu istu mogu zatražiti prema uputama na stranici https://eudigitalnacovidpotvrda.hr/
Ukoliko još nemate pristup sustavu e-Građani, lako se možete prijaviti pomoću svog internet bankarstva ili elektroničke osobne iskaznice, a više informacija pronađite na https://gov.hr/hr/postanite-e-gradjanin/2090


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