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Kupi karte odnosno ulaznice za NOĆ CIRKUSA 2021: "Moja Smrt i Ja"/"Tanka Linija"/"The Reconciliation", 12.11.2021. - 14.11.2021. u Pogon Jedinstvo, Zagreb
Noć Cirkusa 2021.
12. 13. i 14. studeni
Pogon Jedinstvo, Velika dvorana, Trnjanski nasip bb
Kinoteka, Kordunska ulica 1
Treća 72-satna Noć Cirkusa dolazi pod znakom ponovnog okupljanja!
Nakon prošlogodišnjeg, u većini zemalja sudionica, digitaliziranog formata, ovogodišnja Noć Cirkusa dolazi s idejom igre s daljinama, svemirom, zrakom i slobodom (kojima se u posljednje vrijeme loše rukuje)
Noć Cirkusa želi ponovno pronaći sebe, umjetnike i publiku. Omogućiti predstavama da cirkusiraju, dijeliti vrijednosti popularne i predane umjetnosti cirkusa, hraniti našu znatiželju...Život!
Više od 80 kulturnih organizacija i ustanova povezano je s ovim 3. izdanjem koje predstavlja više od 200 događanja diljem Europe, s naglaskom na Francusku.
La Nuit du Cirque (Noć Cirkusa) međunarodni je događaj koji organizira Territoires de Cirque uz potporu francuskog Ministarstva kulture, u suradnji s Francuskim institutom, Circostradom i circusnextom.
Cirkorama, kao članica Circostrade i circusnexta, i ove godine ima čast organizirati Noć Cirkusa u Zagrebu.
Ovogodišnja Noć Cirkusa u Zagrebu donosi dvije dugoočekivane premijere lokalnih cirkuskih umjetnica, izvedbu predstave renomirane francuske kompanije, premijernu instalaciju Pokretnog muzeja cirkusa, žonglerske radionice s renomiranim francuskim žonglerskim majstorom, film u sklopu Kino Cirkusa i tribinu »Cirkus u porama društva« u suradnji s Centrom za kulturu i film Augusta Cesarca.
12.11. u 20:00 Petra Najman: Moja Smrt i Ja, premijera predstave
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13.11. u 20:00 Nikolina Komljenović: Tanka Linija, premijera predstave
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14.11. u 20:00 Kolektiv Martine a la Plage: The Reconciliation
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12.13. i 14.studeni: Petra Bokić: "Pokretni muzej", interaktivna instalacija, ulaz slobodan
Manifestacija »Noć Cirkusa« u Zagrebu, odvija se u sklopu Programa Cirkorame i circusnext platforme, te je podržana od strane Zaklade Kultura nova, Teatroskopa, Francuskog instituta, Kreativne Europe - programa Europske unije, Ministarstva kulture i medija Republike Hrvatske i Gradskog ureda za kulturu Grada Zagreba.
12. 13th and 14th November
Pogon Jedinstvo, Big hall, Trnjanski nasip bb
The third 72-hour Circus Night is coming under the sign of reunion!
After last year's, in most participating countries, digitalized format, this year's Circus Night comes with the idea of playing with distances, space, air and freedom (which have been mishandled lately)
Circus Night wants to find itself, the artists and the audience again. To enable performances to circulate, to share the values of popular and dedicated circus art, to feed our curiosity ... Life!
More than 80 cultural organizations and institutions are associated with this 3rd edition, which presents more than 200 events across Europe, mostly in France.
La Nuit du Cirque (Circus Night) is an international event organized by the Territoires de Cirque with the support of the French Ministry of Culture, in collaboration with the French Institute, Circostrada and circusnext.
Cirkorama, as a member of Circostrada and circusnext, has the honour to organize the Circus Night in Zagreb this year as well.
This year's Circus Night in Zagreb brings two long-awaited premieres of local circus artists, a performance by a renowned French company, a premiere installation by the Mobile Circus Museum, a juggling workshop with a renowned French juggling master, a film at the Kino Cirkus and a panel discussion "Circus in the Pores of Society" in cooperation with The Centre for Culture and Film August Cesarec.
12.11. u 20:00 Petra Najman: My Death and Me, premiere
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13.11. u 20:00 Nikolina Komljenović: The Thin Line, premiere
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14.11. u 20:00 Kolektiv Martine a la Plage: The Reconciliation
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12.13th i 14th November: Petra Bokić: "Pokretni muzej", interactive instalation, free entrance
The "Night of the Circus" event in Zagreb takes place as part of the Cirkorama Program and the circusnext platform and is supported by the Kultura nova Foundation, Teatroskop, French Institute, Creative Europe, the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia and the City of Zagreb Cultural Office.