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Kupi karte odnosno ulaznice za NOĆ CIRKUSA 2021/ KOLEKTIV MARTINE A LA PLAGE: THE RECONCILIATION , 14.11.2021. u Pogon Jedinstvo, Zagreb
Kolektiv MARTINE A LA PLAGE (FR): »The Reconciliation« (Pomirenje)
Izvođač pokušava zaplesati svijet. Fotograf fotografira svijet.
U "Pomirenju" žongler Johan Swartvagher pokušava kroz apsurdni i herojski čin probuditi i utješiti fotografije Bertranda Depoortèrea žongliranjem.
Što se fotografa tiče, on nastoji pomno promatrati prostor.
Općenito, ovaj utopijski čin priča priču koja nadilazi dva autora, onu o mogućnosti tješenja svijeta umjetnošću. Čin koji je objektivno nemoguć, ali koji snagu nalazi u pokušaju.
U ovoj izvedbi, od crno-bijelih fotografija svi ćemo krenuti u potragu za nevidljivim,
U ovoj izvedbi radit ću stvari tako male, da ih nitko neće moći vidjeti niti osjetiti,
U ovoj ću predstavi žonglirati za žive i mrtve.
U ovoj izvedbi bit će cvijeća slađeg mirisa od svega što ste mogli zamisliti...
Koautori i izvođači: Johan Swartvagher, Bertrand Depoortère
Scenski menadžer: Erwan Sautereau
Regionalna turneja Kolektiva Martine a la Plage realizirana je uz potporu Teatroskopa-reginoalnog programa potpore izvedbenim umjetnostima u JI Europi, Francuskog instituta u Hrvatskoj, Francuskog instituta u Srbiji, Francuskog instituta u Parizu, Centra -Val de Loire, Ministarstva Kulture i medija RH, Gradskog ureda za kulturu Grada Zagreba, Zaklade Kultura nova.
Collective Martine a la Plage (FR): »The Reconciliation«
The performer tries to dance the world. The photographer photographs the world.
In "The Reconciliation", the juggler Johan Swartvagher attempts the absurd and heroic act of awakening and consoling the photographs of Bertrand Depoortère through juggling.
As for the photographer, he attempts to observe the space attentively.
By extension, this utopian act tells a story that goes beyond the two authors, that of the possibility of consoling the world through art. An act which is objectively impossible but which finds its strength in the attempt.
In this performance, from black and white photographs we will all go in search of the invisible,
In this performance, I will do things so tiny, that no one will be able to see or feel them,
In this performance, I will juggle for the living and the dead.
In this performance, there will be flowers with sweeter scents than anything you could have imagined Team:
Johan Swartvagher // Bertrand Depoortère, co-authors and performers..
Erwan Sautereau, stage manager.
The regional tour of the Collective Martine a la Plage was realized with the support of the Theatroskop - regional program of support for performing arts in SE Europe, the French Institute in Croatia, the French Institute in Serbia, the French Institute in Paris, the Val de Loire Center, the Ministry of Culture and Media Office of Culture of the City of Zagreb, Kultura Nova Foundation.