O događaju

Prijava odnosno registracija za MEETING G2.6, 16.11.2020. - 25.12.2020.

"Strength in Adversity"

Meet the Croatians changing the way the world does business

This year we are gathering businessmen from Croatia and Croatian emigration. Participants will get a unique opportunity to make new acquaintances and contacts with the international business community.
The conference will be attended by lecturers and members of economic and political life, successful world entrepreneurs and investors, representatives of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, journalists, Croatian diplomacy, but also special guests from all over the world - all united in a common goal - creating business connections between Croats and the world.

They will reveal to you different stories about how they experienced and survived the new business conditions.
The conference will last for two days and will consist of a number of interesting lectures, panel discussions, video presentations and online gatherings for all participants.

Details about the program can be found on the page: PROGRAM MEETING G2.6.

We look forward to meeting you online!
Association Meeting G.2.6




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