location-iconKrešimir Ćosić Hall, Zadar

Ulaznice / usluge / proizvodi



Regular - Full Pass

1.50 EUR
Akcija - Uzmi 4, a plati samo 3!

- Shift Pass
- Matchmaking Solution
- Day 0 Side Event
- Workshops
- More To be Announced

349.00 EUR

- Shift Pass
- Matchmaking Solution
- Day 0 Side Event
- Workshops
- More To be Announced

Regular - Standard Pass

1.50 EUR
Akcija - Uzmi 4, a plati samo 3!

- Shift Pass
- Matchmaking Solution
- More To be Announced

219.00 EUR

- Shift Pass
- Matchmaking Solution
- More To be Announced

Regular - Student Pass

1.50 EUR

- Shift Pass

42.00 EUR

- Shift Pass


Naknada za izdavanje ulaznice: 0.00 EUR po ulaznici

Virtual-only pass

Watch Shift Zadar 2024 online!

Register to watch our sessions, live and online (Limited Stream)


Virtual-only pass

Watch Shift Zadar 2024 online!

Register to watch our sessions, live and online (Limited Stream)

Standard Group Pass 5-9

1.50 EUR

Get your Standard conference pass for access to content, sessions, the expo, meals, and parties. Bring a group of at least 5 people and receive a special deal!

197.00 EUR

Get your Standard conference pass for access to content, sessions, the expo, meals, and parties. Bring a group of at least 5 people and receive a special deal!

Standard Group Pass 10-14

1.50 EUR

Get your Standard conference pass for access to content, sessions, the expo, meals, and parties. Bring a group of at least 10 people and receive a special deal!

186.00 EUR

Get your Standard conference pass for access to content, sessions, the expo, meals, and parties. Bring a group of at least 10 people and receive a special deal!

Standard Group Pass 15-20

1.50 EUR

Get your Standard conference pass for access to content, sessions, the expo, meals, and parties. Bring a group of at least 15 people and receive a special deal!

175.00 EUR

Get your Standard conference pass for access to content, sessions, the expo, meals, and parties. Bring a group of at least 15 people and receive a special deal!


0.00 EUR

x Naknada :

0.00 EUR


0.00 EUR

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Napomena: ukoliko je promo kod za popust važeći, popust će ti se primjeniti u idućem koraku

O događaju

Prijava odnosno registracija za INFOBIP SHIFT 2024, 16.09.2024. - 17.09.2024. u Krešimir Ćosić Hall, Zadar

Basking in the afterglow of 2023, we're redefining the game for 2024! Block your calendars for September 16th & 17th, and prep for a tech-fest at the iconic Kresimir Cosic Hall in Zadar, Croatia. Expect an even denser forest of thinkers, doers, disruptors, and dreamers.

More to be announced

2023 Recap


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