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location-icon(HNK SPLIT) Croatian National Theatre in Split, Split


O događaju

Prijava odnosno registracija za GREEN FUTURE CONFERENCE 2023, 01.06.2023. - 02.06.2023. u (HNK SPLIT) Croatian National Theatre in Split, Split


1 – 2 JUNE 2023 | SPLIT, CROATIA



We bring together international technology leaders, companies, institutions, policy-makers, scientists, and other stakeholders from the sustainable development sector.

Join us in the beautiful city of Split, Croatia, on June 1st and 2nd, 2023, for the second edition of the Green Future Conference, which will feature some of the most prominent international speakers in the fields of the green environment, energy, and e-mobility.

For more information, please visit our website and check out all the inspiring keynotes, panels, and startup challenge sessions from the 2022 edition on our YouTube channel.

See you at the Green Future Conference 2023!



Climate change and sustainable development are one of the most important global topics today. As a society, we constantly exploit insubstantial natural resources, which damages Earth's climate, biodiversity, and future life.
We have come to a turning point and must transition to green.
The green transition includes technological innovations, changes in human habits, and behavioral patterns. The green transition has started, but it is slow. It must be prioritized if we want an opportunity for a future life for ourselves and the generations to come.
The Green Future Conference provides an opportunity to learn what the green transition includes, how technology can help, and what mechanisms are available to make it happen.


The main goal of the Green Future Conference is to bring together international technology leaders, companies, institutions, policy-makers, scientists, and other stakeholders from the sustainable development sector and to encourage innovation and investment in new technologies that guarantee a sustainable future.
Part of the conference agenda includes a competition for startups presenting innovative solutions and technology in the mentioned areas.


How can technology help us adapt to climate change? Do we understand that climate change is happening due to the habits of every single one of us?
What are the alternative energy sources, and at what stage are they in technological development and application in everyday life?
What are the alternative forms of urban mobility? How much are we willing to change our habits, comfort, and policies in favor of a sustainable future?


Are you familiar with the EU green strategies your business will have to implement in the upcoming period if you want to stay in the game?
Are you interested in the last technological innovation in the green transition?
Want to learn more about all aspects of the green transition, hear examples of good practices, network with the titans of the industry, and find out about funding opportunities for your business?

The Green Future Conference is more than just another event. It is a unique opportunity and a platform for like-minded professionals to connect, collaborate, and drive change toward a more sustainable future.
By attending GFC, you will have the chance to meet and network with experts from various industries, exchange innovative ideas, and explore new business prospects that align with the principles of sustainable development.

In addition to networking throughout the conference, afterparties and gala dinners will be held in attractive city center venues for attendees, sponsors, speakers, media, and other stakeholders.
These gatherings provide a more informal setting for participants to share their accomplishments and ideas while having a great time.


Environmental protection
Climate change
Green and smart cities
E-public transport
New technologies in the horticulture
Sustainable development in the textile industry
Hydrogen technologies
Web3 & green transition
Solar energy
Wind power
Tidal power
Sustainable development and best practice examples
Sustainable development and investment in new technologies
Sustainable hospitality
Sustainable tourism
Green transition and NGOs
Financing the green transition and sustainable development
And many more


City of Split

The City of Split, one of the most beautiful cities in the Mediterranean, is the home of the GFC. As a leading European tourist destination, it is an ideal place for organizing international conferences.
Formed within the Diocletian Palace’s walls, Split’s entire historical core has been on UNESCO’s World Heritage List since 1979.
The beautiful and vibrant historic city center, squares, and streets offer direct touch with local people, as well as numerous restaurants, cocktail bars, and stunning city beaches, guaranteeing lots of unforgettable memories for the participants outside the working part of the conference.


Croatian National Theater

The Green Future Conference is held at the Croatian National Theater in Split, located in the center of the town. The beautiful historic building from the end of the 19th century gives a unique charm to the conference, which, in the best possible way, combines the cultural heritage of Split with the most significant technological achievements in the field of sustainable development.


The Green Future Conference is more than just another event. It is a unique opportunity and a platform for like-minded professionals to connect, collaborate, and drive change toward a more sustainable future. By attending GFC, you will have the chance to meet and network with experts from various industries, exchange innovative ideas, and explore new business prospects that align with the principles of sustainable development. In addition to networking throughout the conference, afterparties and gala dinners will be held in attractive city center venues for attendees, sponsors, speakers, media, and other stakeholders. These gatherings provide a more informal setting for participants to share their accomplishments and ideas while having a great time.

Join us at the Green Future Conference, and let's create a better future together!


The Green Future Startup Challenge is a competition for startups organized by the Green Future Conference to showcase their innovative solutions and technologies in the sustainable development sector during the main event. Ten selected startups will have an opportunity to take center stage at the stunning Croatian National Theatre in Split and present their ideas to the board of experts and industry leaders.

It is a fantastic chance for the startups and their founders to:

  • receive recognition and exposure
  • network with titans of industry, potential investors, executives, and other stakeholders
  • receive valuable feedback
  • win 10.000 € for the best startup selected by the judges
  • win Infobip Green Communication Awards in the total amount of 100.000 € in Infobip credits for their products and services
  • The deadline for the applications is May 1, 2023.


The GFC EXPO is an ideal opportunity for companies that want to showcase their products and organize live demos. With two different booth sizes available for indoor exhibitions and the option to exhibit in outdoor expo domes located in highly frequented areas of Split, this conference is the perfect platform for the companies to establish a strong brand presence. Companies will have the possibility to showcase their work and technological achievements and convey their company's vision with more than 950 people attending.

Attendees will have a first-hand chance to interact with leading companies, get to know them, and engage with innovative solutions in the sustainable development sector.


*Kupnjom ulaznice pristajete da vaše osobne podatke koristimo u svrhu informiranja o aktualnoj konferenciji te o budućim događanjima u organizaciji Green Summit d.o.o. Svoju privolu za informiranje možete povući bilo kada, odjavom prilikom dobivenog e-maila, ili slanjem direktnog e-maila organizatoru.

*By purchasing a ticket, you agree to use your data to inform you about the conference and future events organized by Green Summit d.o.o. You can withdraw your consent for information by unsubscribing from the received email or sending a direct email to the organizer.

Podijeli događaj:

Što je Naknada za izdavanje ulaznice?

Naknada za izdavanje ulaznice pokriva jedan dio troška koji Entrio ima kako bi, kao posrednik u prodaji ulaznica, na brz i siguran način obradio transakciju, izdao ulaznicu i omogućio ti uživanje na događaju.

Naknadu Entrio naplaćuje po svakoj kupljenoj ulaznici, za sve načine plaćanja na internetu i na prodajnim mjestima, a ona među ostalim pokriva trošak Entrio korisničke podrške, održavanja serverskog sustava, administrativnih poslova i ostalih troškova vezanih uz izdavanje ulaznice.

Visina naknade ponekad može ovisiti i o Entriovom komercijalnom dogovoru s Organizatorom događaja.

Naknada za izdavanje ulaznice je nepovratna naknada.

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