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MOTUS + No More Idols u Vintageu
Vintage Industrial Bar
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Veleš Vortex #1 - Challenger + Narkötik
The Beertija - Rijeka P82
Stil Event - Američki paviljon (paviljon 13)
BALAŠEVIĆ Valentinovo tribute
Klub Boogaloo
O događaju
Prijava odnosno registracija za Green Future Conference, 09.06.2022. - 10.06.2022. u Croatian National Theatre in Split, Split
The main goal of the Green Future Conference is bringing together international and domestic technology leaders, companies, institutions, scientists and other stakeholders from the sustainable development sector and to encourage innovation and investment in new technologies that guarantee sustainability.
Split will become the center of knowledge and experience exchange, center of new technologies and solutions, but also of innovative policies on green transition, a process that is an imperative for all of us in the coming years and decades. It will also tackle available sources of funding in the fields of environment protection, energy and e-mobility both for the private and public sectors.
Also, a competition for startups involved in sustainable development will be held, and their innovative solutions will be presented to the public.
Green Future Conference will be held in the Croatian National Theater in Split, located in the center of Split. Beautiful historic building from the end of the 19th century will give a special charm to the conference, which in the best possible way combines the cultural heritage of Split with the greatest technological achievements in the field of sustainable development.
In addition to the conference, afterparties will be organized for attendees in attractive locations in the city center. At these events, participants will get the opportunity to exchange their business achievements and ideas in a more relaxed atmosphere.
P.S. For every sold ticket, Green Future Conference will plant one tree. Be part of the Green future forest and join us in Split!
Što je Naknada za izdavanje ulaznice?
Naknada za izdavanje ulaznice pokriva jedan dio troška koji Entrio ima kako bi, kao posrednik u prodaji ulaznica, na brz i siguran način obradio transakciju, izdao ulaznicu i omogućio ti uživanje na događaju.
Naknadu Entrio naplaćuje po svakoj kupljenoj ulaznici, za sve načine plaćanja na internetu i na prodajnim mjestima, a ona među ostalim pokriva trošak Entrio korisničke podrške, održavanja serverskog sustava, administrativnih poslova i ostalih troškova vezanih uz izdavanje ulaznice.
Visina naknade ponekad može ovisiti i o Entriovom komercijalnom dogovoru s Organizatorom događaja.
Naknada za izdavanje ulaznice je nepovratna naknada.
Neispravan promo kod
Molimo probaj ponovno za 15 minuta ukoliko si siguran/a da je promo kod valjan - moguće da ga je sustav privremeno rezervirao u tvom prethodnom pokušaju