Festival neobičnih obitelji

Festival neobičnih obitelji

location-iconLjetno kino Bačvice, Split

O događaju

Kupi karte odnosno ulaznice za Festival neobičnih obitelji, 09.06.2022. - 11.06.2022. u Ljetno kino Bačvice, Split

Dobro došli na treće izdanje festivala suvremenog cirkusa "Festival neobičnih obitelji"!

S trećim izdanjem, festival selimo u novi termin - od 9. do 11. lipnja -  i na novu centralnu lokaciju - u predivan ambijent Ljetnog kina Bačvice.

Samo otvaranje Festivala održat će se u Gradskom kazalištu lutaka gdje će španjolski dvojac Rauxa Cia izvesti bajkovitu predstavu "La Crisis de la Imaginacion". Drugi dan Festivala na programu su 2 predstave. Vidjet ćemo ekološki motiviranu i osvještenu predstavu "Grasshoppers" belgijskog dvojca Circus Katoen, a nakon njih još jednu akrobatsku predstavu "Bestiaire" koju je režirala slavna francuska umjetnica Jeanne Mordoj. U subotu će izraelsko-francuska umjetnica Inbal Ben Haim u suradnji s jazz glazbenikom Davidom Amarom izvesti site-specific predstavu "Racine(s)" na jednom od stabala u kinu. I za samo zatvaranje Festivala, poznati francuski kolektiv Les Colporteurs izvest će predstavu "Meandres" na jedinstvenoj samostojećoj konstrukciji za hodanje na žici.

Nadamo se da ćete u ovom moru kreativnosti pronaći nešto za sebe i da se družimo i ove godine!


Welcome to the third edition of the contemporary circus festival "Peculiar Families Festival"!

With this third edition, we are moving the Festival to a new date - from June 9 to 11 - and to a new main venue - in the beautiful Open air cinema Bačvice.

The very opening of the Festival will take place at the City Puppetry Theater Split where the Spanish duo Rauxa Cia will perform their fairytale performance "La Crisis de la Imaginacion". On the second day of the Festival, there are 2 performances on the program. Belgian duo Circus Katoen will present their environmentally motivated and aware performance "Grasshoppers", followed by another acrobatic performance "Bestiaire" directed by the famous French artist Jeanne Mordoj. On Saturday, Israeli-French artist Inbal Ben Haim, in collaboration with jazz musician David Amar, will perform a site-specific performance "Racine(s)" on one of the trees in the cinema. And for the very closing of the Festival, the famous French collective Les Colporteurs will perform the play "Meandres" on a unique free-standing construction for wire walking.

[The performances do not use language and they are suitable for foreign and domestic tourists and people with hearing impairments.]

We hope that you will find something for yourself and you will join our little circus family!

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