Distune vam predstavlja... Neurosis (SAD)

Distune vam predstavlja... Neurosis (SAD)

location-iconPogon Jedinstvo, Zagreb, Zagreb

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Kupi karte odnosno ulaznice za Distune vam predstavlja... Neurosis (SAD), 01.07.2014. u Pogon Jedinstvo, Zagreb, Zagreb

Distune vam predstavlja....


mjesto / venue: Pogon Jedinstvo, Zagreb, Croatia
datum /date:     utorak/thuesday, 01.07.2014.
07.05.-30.06.      155,00kn (aprox 20€)
entrance             190,00kn (aprox 25€)

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Descriptors fail in the same way that describing the shock of the sudden or new or subtle grace of magnitude fails. Each and every time. Because words are idea shorthand for experience and experience can only be transmitted, if you’re lucky or unlucky enough to miss it the first time, through comparative measures and means: a nightmare is an unhappy dream, death is like when life stops and the earth calls, and violent change is when everything is no longer the same but hurts because of it.
But here’s a shorthand: NEUROSIS is music. Music in the same way that Wagner is music. Or that it all comes down. Or the graying granite planet we call home is both the cradle and coffin of all desire and hopes and expression forces its way through us and into wires and out of speakers framing a journey from here to there and not back again. Ever. This is a one- way trip.
So keep the descriptors – the “crushes”, the “destroys”, “dark” and even “deep”. These are both all at once and again not enough, and not even too much. They’re products of lazy inquiry.
Keep them and let the real shoulder its way to the front. Like it did when the San Francisco Bay Area, forget that…when Oakland gave birth to this ride and the ticket for it in 1985 as NEUROSIS. Under the stewardship of Scott Kelly, Dave Edwardson, Jason Roeder and in 1989 spiritual heir Steve Von Till [and now Noah Landis and Josh Graham on visuals], NEUROSIS does only what the best art can: it crafts a sense world for those with sense and senses from the realm of eternal ideas and weaves it, whole cloth, into the audio, the visual, the powerful. A seamless melding and welding of elements that are not too wildly disparate: loss, gain, and eventually gaining through loss. And with a host of fellow travelers from STEVE ALBINI, JARBOE and a passel of solo and side projects that involve kindred spirits from THE MELVINS, SLEEP, ST. VITUS, a recorded output of 27-odd releases, and tours all over the lands known and unknown to try to capture them with a single descriptor, and many have tried – metal, doom, ambient hardcore – is misguided at worst and a waste of time at best.
So here it is again: NEUROSIS is music. And art. And a chilling testament to the glories of the briefest of times of our lives. And you not knowing this? Makes it no less true.
Until death do we part, indeed.
– Eugene S. Robinson

Poslije kraja – prije beskraja

Često pokušavamo opisati neopisivo i nemjerljivo: šok, gracioznost, nova ideja... i uvijek iznova naveliko griješimo, baš svaki put. Riječi su šture i siromašne da bi opisale iskustvo koje se teško može prenijeti komparativnim usporedbama i objašnjenjima: mora je nesretan san, smrt je kad prestaje život i zemlja te zove, silovita promjena je ona kad više ništa nije isto i pogađa upravo zbog toga.

Evo vam brzog pojašnjenja: Neurosis je glazba, na isti način kao što je i Wagner i sve se svodi na to. Za primjer, zeleni planet kojeg zovemo dom istovremeno je i kolijevka i kasela svih naših želja, nada i ekspresija koji, prožimajući nas prisilno i bespovratno, oblikuje naše putovanje od tamo do tu; to je jednosmjerna karta, jednosmjeran put.

Stoga se ostavite opisa poput ''duboko'', ''mračno'', ''destruktivno'', ''beznandno''; sve je to tu negdje ali opet nedovoljno i produkt je loše analize.
Pustite to na stranu i doživite iskustvo iz prvih redova. A sve je započelo još davno u San Franciscu, ma ne... zapravo u Oaklandu 1985., kada je krenula ova luda vožnja znana pod imenom Nurosis. Pod vodstvom Scotta Kellya, Davea Edwardsona i Jasona Roedara( 1989. im se pridružuje Steve Von Till, 1995. Noah Landis, a odnedavno i Josh Graham), Neurosis daje najbolje što umjetnost može pružiti: kreiranje osjetilnog svijeta za one koji osjećaju i kreiranje osjeta iz područja neiscrpnih i vječnih ideja i valova, u cjelosti, snažno, zvukom i vizualnošću. Suptilno stapanje i spajanje elemenata koji nisu isuviše različiti: gubitak, dobit i dobit kroz gubitak u kontinuitetu. Uz pomoć raznih suputnika poput Steve Albinia, Jarboe, uz mnoštvo solo i uzputnih projekata, ukjljučujući istomišljenike poput The Melvins, Sleep, St. Vitus, snimljeno je 27 čudnih albuma, izvedeno mnoštvo turneja diljem svijeta i poznatog i nepoznatog, pa zar se to može jednostavno opisati, a mnogi su probali sa – metal, ambijetalni hc – što je pogrešno i u konačnici gubitak vremena.

Još jednom napominjemo: Neurosis je glazba. I umjetnost. Umirujući testament najsjajnijih i najjasnijih trenutaka u našim životima. A ako vi to ne znate, to ne čini ovu izjavu manje istinitom.
Dok nas smrt ne rastavi.

Eugene S. Robinson (Oxbow)

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