DevFest 2023

DevFest 2023

location-iconWespa Business & Lounge, Zagreb

DevFest 2023

O događaju

Prijava odnosno registracija za DevFest 2023, 27.10.2023. u Wespa Business & Lounge, Zagreb

DevFest 2023 Zagreb

DevFests are local tech conferences hosted by Google Developer Groups (GDG) around the world. Each DevFest event is crafted by its local organizers to fit the needs and interests of its local developer community. Whether it be through hands-on learning experiences, technical talks delivered in local languages by experts, or by simply meeting fellow local developers.

Our DevFest 2022 had a lot of positive feedback, so this year we've started to plan early to ensure a better experience for everyone. All the details will be revealed along the way but you can already start to plan your end of the year by adding DevFest 2023 to your calendar.


See how it looked last year in the video


View the Agenda DevFest 2023


Meet the DevFest 2023 speakers


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