Derivat festival / Let 3 & Repetitor ...

Derivat festival / Let 3 & Repetitor ...

location-iconZadar, Zadar

O događaju

Kupi karte odnosno ulaznice za Derivat festival / Let 3 & Repetitor ..., 19.07.2019. - 20.07.2019. u Zadar, Zadar

Derivat #1 is a festival of good music and gathering.

The summer night of June 19th, 2019, will tremble with sonic blows delivered by two of the best live acts of the region: Repetitor and Let3, who will - exclusively for this occasion - base their performance on their first two records solely.

If Žižek versus Peterson was the intellectual debate of the century, this is nothing short of musical dialogue of the decade.

Two exceptionally well-tuned and uncompromising bands who manage to coalesce the stage and the audience into a single vibrant mass.

In order to present the performers who move the boundaries and captivate with their musical solutions or incredibly well played concerts, our rich line-up – along with the headliners – consists of Šumovi protiv valova, dRBonito, D. Klemenza and The Siids. In addition, the path towards the morning hours will be coloured by the dance rhythms of the 2nd stage, delivered by the DJs El Commando, Mr.D and Lutor. The all day long gathering in the atmosphere of an extended living room, followed by gastronomy and the exchange of various goods, comes in the organization of the informal initiative Banak on Derivat, a variant of all the more popular Banak on riva, musically shaped by Tomislav Brlek.

The program takes place on the turf behind the Zadar City Library, situated inside the dilapidated space of the former military barracks, thereby aiming at its reintegration into the city’s public life.

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