location-iconPogon Jedinstvo, Velika dvorana, Zagreb


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Kupi karte odnosno ulaznice za CIRKOBALKANA 12: CIE SACÉKRIPA (FR): VRAI (ISTINA), 07.06.2024. u Pogon Jedinstvo, Velika dvorana, Zagreb

// Scroll down for English //


Neidentificirani živi objekt
Dob: 8+
Trajanje: 60´
Povremeni verbalni sadržaj na francuskom jeziku biti će prevedeni na kraju predstave.
“ISTINA” je istinita priča o susretu: onom Étiennea Manceaua, vještog žonglera, i tajanstvenog partnera, Candidea. U razini očiju, u zadivljujućem scenskom rasporedu, svaki gledatelj opremljen audio slušalicama promatra ovaj nevjerojatni dvojac kroz mali svjetlarnik. Tako poznati i tako različiti, ovo dvoje promatraju jedno drugo, promatraju se, traže ili ignoriraju jedno drugo u interakcijama promjenjive geometrije, ostavljajući puno prostora za instinkt, impuls i vrijeme.
10 godina nakon kreiranja svog prvog sola “Vu”, Etienne Manceau ovdje nudi živu i dirljivu predstavu u širem smislu riječi, gdje sposobnost upravljanja neočekivanim uživo nudi snagu jedinstvenom vremenu izvedbe.
Neidentificirani živi objekt, ISTINA, genijalno remeti tradicionalne odnose s publikom. Predstava se odvija u kružnom, jedinstvenom i imerzivnom sustavu pozornice. Velika blizina i snaga detalja, vizualnih, auditivnih, olfaktornih. Sve je tako blizu i stvarno istinito, ali… je li stvarno?
Predvidljiv i nepredvidiv, interijer i eksterijer, složenost i jednostavnost, nježnost i nasilje, sloboda i zatočenost, konvencija i transgresija, VRAI pokreće bezvremensko propitivanje ljudske prirode i našeg odnosa sa živima.
Autor i izvođač: Etienne Manceau i Candide Lecat
Vanjsko oko: Sylvain Cousin
Umjetnički savjet: Julien Scholl
Dizajn svjetla: Hugo Oudin
Konstrukcija: Franck Breuil
Voditelj putovanja: Hugo Oudin
Fotografije: Julien Vittecoq
Administracija: Lucile Hortala
Distribucija: Manon Durieux & Camille Foucher
Produkcija: Cie Sacékripa
Koprodukcija: Les Tombées de la Nuit, Rennes / L'Hectare, Territoires Vendômois, National Puppet Center in preparation, Vendôme / L'ONYX, Scène Conventionnée Dance and Circus Arts (in partnership with the Town Hall), Saint-Herblain / La Verrerie, Pôle National Cirque Occitanie, Alès / Espace Aragon, Villard-Bonnot.
Koprodukcija i rezidencijalna potpora: Le Carré Magique, National Center for Circus Arts in Brittany, Lannion / L'Echalier, Atelier de Fabrique Artistique, Saint-Agil / Pronomade(s) in Haute-Garonne, National Center for Street Arts and Public Space, Encausse-les-Thermes / La Passerelle, Scène Nationale des Alpes du Sud, Gap / CREAC La Cité Cirque, Bègles / CIRCa, Pôle National Cirque, Auch Gers Occitanie / Espace D'Albret, Nérac.
Rezidencijalna potpora: Blue Pluriel Cultural Center, Trégueux / Théâtre l'Albarède, Ganges / Le Sillon, Convention Stage of National Interest, Clermont l'Hérault / l'Usine, National Center for Street Arts and Public Space , Tourneufeuille / Alban-Minville Cultural Center, Toulouse.
Podrška radionica u: La Grainerie, Fabrique des Arts du Cirque et de l'Itinérance, Balma / Mas de Luzière, St-André-de-Buèges.
Sufinanciranje: DRAC Occitanie / Occitanie – Pyrenees-Mediterranean Region / Haute-Garonne Department / Grad Toulouse.
Gostovanje predstave u Zagrebu sufinancirano je sredstvima Francuskog instituta u Hrvatskoj.
// English //

May 5th, 6th and 7th at 17:00 and 20:00, Big Hall of Pogon Jedinstvo, Trnjanska Struga 34
Unidentified Living Object
Age: 8+
Duration: 60 ´
Occasional verbal content in French will be translated at the end of the performance.
“TRUE” is the true story of an encounter: that of Étienne Manceau, a trained juggler, and a mysterious partner, Candide. At eye level, in an astonishing stage arrangement, each spectator is equipped with an audio headset and observes this improbable duo through a small skylight. So familiar and so different, these two observe each other, eye each other, seek each other out or ignore each other in interactions of variable geometry, leaving a lot of room for instinct, impulse and time.
10 years after the creation of his first solo “Vu”, Etienne Manceau offers here a living and moving show in the broad sense of the term, where the ability to manage the unexpected in live offers power to the unique time of the performance.
An unidentified living object, TRUE, ingeniously disrupts traditional public relations. The show takes place in a circular, singular and immersive stage system. Ultra proximity and power of details, visual, auditory, olfactory. Everything is so close and true, but… is it real?
Predictable and unpredictable, interior and exterior, complexity and simplicity, tenderness and violence, freedom and confinement, convention and transgression, VRAI raises a timeless questioning of human nature and our relationship with the living.
By and with: Etienne Manceau and Candide Lecat
External eye: Sylvain Cousin
Artistic advice: Julien Scholl
Lighting design: Hugo Oudin
Construction: Franck Breuil
Tour management: Hugo Oudin
Photos: Julien Vittecoq
Administration: Lucile Hortala
Distribution: Manon Durieux & Camille Foucher
Production: Cie Sacékripa
Co-productions: Les Tombées de la Nuit, Rennes / L'Hectare, Territoires Vendômois, National Puppet Center in preparation, Vendôme / L'ONYX, Scène Conventionnée Dance and Circus Arts (in partnership with the Town Hall), Saint-Herblain / La Verrerie, Pôle National Cirque Occitanie, Alès / Espace Aragon, Villard-Bonnot.
Co-productions and receptions in residence: Le Carré Magique, National Center for Circus Arts in Brittany, Lannion / L'Echalier, Atelier de Fabrique Artistique, Saint-Agil / Pronomade(s) in Haute-Garonne, National Center for Street Arts and Public Space, Encausse-les-Thermes / La Passerelle, Scène Nationale des Alpes du Sud, Gap / CREAC La Cité Cirque, Bègles / CIRCa, Pôle National Cirque, Auch Gers Occitanie / Espace D'Albret, Nérac.
Reception in residence: Blue Pluriel Cultural Center, Trégueux / Théâtre l'Albarède, Ganges / Le Sillon, Convention Stage of National Interest, Clermont l'Hérault / l'Usine, National Center for Street Arts and Public Space , Tourneufeuille / Alban-Minville Cultural Center, Toulouse.
Workshop work: La Grainerie, Fabrique des Arts du Cirque et de l'Itinérance, Balma / Mas de Luzière, St-André-de-Buèges.
With the support of: DRAC Occitanie / Occitanie – Pyrenees-Mediterranean Region / Haute-Garonne Department / City of Toulouse.
The tour of CIE SACEKRIPA in Zagreb was co-financed by the French Institute in Croatia.

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