

location-iconHotel Waldinger, Osijek

O događaju

Prijava odnosno registracija za BSidesOsijek, 11.09.2021. u Hotel Waldinger, Osijek

BSidesOsijek is very much inspired by BSidesVarazdin and Security BSides organizations. It is a vendor-neutral technical information security meetup in Osijek, Croatia.

BSidesOsijek strives to be a place where professionals and hackers regardless of gender, race or background can meet on neutral ground and exchange ideas and knowledge, and discuss current topics, trends and problems in the broad topic of information security.

BSidesOsijek is a neutral ground, a place to exchange ideas and knowledge. We will always strive to provide our attendees with high-quality lectures without sales pitches. 

Topics of interest:

- Defensive and offensive security and advanced methods

- Application and Web security

- Governance

- Cryptography and Cryptanalysis

- Incident Response and Forensics

- Data Privacy and Law

- Cyber Warfare, Botnets and advanced Cyber-Munitions

- Physical Security and Entry methods

- Reverse Engineering and Malware Research

- Telecommunications and Mobile Network Security

- Legal and Social Aspect of Information Security

- Social Engineering

- Biometrics and biometric bypass techniques

- Other Interesting Technical Information Security Content

It will cost you 0 (zero) of your money to attend. This is a community-focused event. We do have a registration form through Entrio, which will enable you to attend, but there is no payment. Keep in mind, you do need to register to enter the venue as we have a limited number of seats available.

Podijeli događaj:

Da bi ova web-stranica mogla pravilno funkcionirati i da bismo unaprijedili tvoje korisničko iskustvo, koristimo kolačiće. Više informacija potraži u Korištenje kolačića (cookies).

  • Nužni kolačići omogućuju osnovne funkcionalnosti. Bez ovih kolačića, web-stranica ne može pravilno funkcionirati, a isključiti ih možeš mijenjanjem postavki u svom browseru.

  • Analitički kolačići pomažu nam unaprijediti web-stranicu prikupljanjem i analizom podataka o njezinu korištenju.

  • Marketinške kolačiće koristimo radi povećanja relevantnosti oglasa koje primaš.