15th Symposium of Chartered Geodetic Engineers

15th Symposium of Chartered Geodetic Engineers

location-iconMilenij Grand Hotel 4 Opatijska Cvijeta, Opatija, Croatia

O događaju

Prijava odnosno registracija za 15th Symposium of Chartered Geodetic Engineers, 12.10.2022. - 15.10.2022. u Milenij Grand Hotel 4 Opatijska Cvijeta, Opatija, Croatia


Opatija, 12.–15. listopada 2022.

Hrvatska komora ovlaštenih inženjera geodezije – HKOIG, u suradnji s Council of European Geodetic Surveyors – CLGE i European Spatial Data Research EuroSDR, organizira 15. SIMPOZIJ OVLAŠTENIH INŽENJERA GEODEZIJE pod nazivom „Geodezija i vode“, koji će se održati od 12. do 15. listopada 2022. godine, u Opatiji.

Jubilarni 15. Simpozij ovlaštenih inženjera geodezije 2022. godine fokusira se na glavnu temu simpozija „Geodezija i vode". Tema je nastala u suglasju s europskom temom 2022. godine CLGE-a, a zbog nedostatnog fokusa struke na ono što čini oko 70% ukupne površine Zemlje, a to su slane (97,5%) i slatke (2,5%) vode. Kroz različite diskusije i panele, te brojne razgovore s pozvanim gostima, analizirat će se uloga geodeta u poboljšanju upravljanjem i uporabom voda, kako na lokalnoj, tako i na globalnoj razini.

Simpozijem planiramo obuhvatiti i druge teme od značaja za našu struku. Željeli bismo putem ovog Simpozija unaprijediti metode djelovanja unutar geodezije i geoinformatike, ali planiramo obuhvatiti i bliska područja našoj struci. Simpozij će biti organiziran u hibridnom obliku kao i 2021. godine. Pridružite nam se od 12. do 15. listopada 2022. godine i svojim sudjelovanjem doprinesite kvalitetnom radu i nastojanjima HKOIG-a za unaprjeđenjem vaše i naše struke. Vidimo se na jubilarnom 15. Simpoziju u Opatiji!


15th Symposium of Chartered Geodetic Engineers: „Blue Surveying'“

Opatija, Croatia, 12th-15th October, 2022

Croatian Chamber of Chartered Geodetic Engineers (HKOIG), in collaboration with the Council of European Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE) and European Spatial Data Research (EuroSDR), are organising the 15th Symposium of Chartered Geodetic Engineers entitled 'Blue Surveying'. Symposium will be held in Opatija, Croatia, from 12th-15th October, 2022.

The 2022 Symposium of Chartered Geodetic Engineers will be focused on the central topic named 'Blue Surveying'. The topic of water was chosen in accordance with the European CLGE main topic for 2022, as it is an important subject which lacks experts focus. 70% of total Earth's surface is, in fact, water (97.5% seas and oceans, and 2.5% fresh water). Through a variety of discussions and panels, as well as various conversations with our expert attendees, we will analyse the role of geodetic surveyors in improving of the management and of water usage locally, as well as globally.

Through Symposium it is also planned to encompass other fields of geodetic interests and the intention is to improve operating methods and approaches within geodesy and geoinformatics, but it is also planned covering other fields closely connected to our profession. This year's Symposium, as well as the previous one, will be organised in an onsite-online hybrid form. Join us between 12th-15th October and contribute to high-quality work and aspirations we cultivate at HKOIG to improve our own, as well as your profession. See you on our 15th anniversary in Opatija!

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