Soundwave Croatia 2016

Soundwave Croatia 2016

location-iconThe Garden Tisno, Tisno

O dogodku

Kupi karte oz vstopnice za Soundwave Croatia 2016, 04.08.2016. - 08.08.2016. v The Garden Tisno, Tisno


*Ex-Yu ulaznice vrijede iskljucivo za državljane neke od zemalja bivše Jugoslavije, odnosno za gradane: Slovenije, Hrvatske, Srbije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Makedonije, Crne Gore i Kosova.
Zbog niže cijene, za Ex-Yu ulaznice ce biti provjeravane osobne iskaznice/putovnice na ulazu (potreban važeci dokument sa slikom)
Ulaz je dozvoljen osobama iznad 18 godina, osim ako nisu u pratnji roditelja ili skrbnika.

Za sva pitanja vezana za smještaj molimo da se obratite na [email protected]


*Ex-Yu tickets are valid only for citizens of countries of ex Yugoslavia, which means for citizens of Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo.
Due to lower price, for Ex-Yu tickets ID cards/passports will be checked at the entrance (ID required)
Attendees must be 18+ unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

For further Accomodation details and bookings please email [email protected]



Soundwave Croatia, one of Europe’s most friendly and intimate festivals returns for it’s 8th year and announces the addition of a developed live art and film programme to its eclectic musical offering.

Remember, we have new festival dates so keep them in the diary – August 4th-8th!

Soundwave will be bringing back the renowned artistic flair that shaped the festival. We have street artists, mural artists and illustrators from across Croatia and the rest of Europe will be invited to transform the walls of apartments and buildings across the festival site into living, evolving pieces of art. The entire festival site will become the canvas, which you can explore in our free art hunt.

There will also be the return of the film programme including an independent and Croatian cinema showcase, offering an open cinema experience for the duration.

#fest16 #tisno

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