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Kupi karte oz vstopnice za Hooverphonic - The Magnificent Tree - The 25th Anniversary, 19.04.2025. v Klub Boogaloo, Zagreb
Hooverphonic's Iconic Album
Hooverphonic is a Belgian and formed in 1995, known or their eclectic sound blending elements of pop, rock, and electronic music. The group was originally founded by Alex Callier, Raymond Geerts, and Liesje Sadonius, with Geike Arnaert joining later as the lead vocalist.
Before the release of "The Magnificent Tree" in 2000, Hooverphonic had already gained recognition for their unique musical style and hauntingly beautiful compositions. Their debut album, "A New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular" (1996), introduced audiences to their dreamy trip-hop sound and garnered critical acclaim.
The band's sophomore album, "Blue Wonder Power Milk" (1998), further solidified their reputation with its lush arrangements and cinematic soundscapes. Tracks like "Club Montepulciano" and "This Strange Effect" showcased their ability to create atmospheric, melancholic music that resonated with listeners.
However, it was "The Magnificent Tree" that truly catapulted
Hooverphonic to international success. The album, released in 2000, featured hits like "Mad About You" and "Vinegar & Salt," which became mainstream favorites and solidified their position in the music industry.
With Geike Arnaert's ethereal vocals front and center, "The Magnificent Tree" marked a significant milestone in Hooverphonic's career, showcasing their songwriting prowess and sonic evolution. The album's blend of trip-hop, pop sensibilities, and orchestral elements captivated audiences worldwide, earning the band widespread acclaim and a dedicated fan base.
Overall, Hooverphonic's musical journey leading up to "The Magnificent Tree" was marked by innovation, artistic growth, and a commitment to pushing boundaries in the realm of alternative and electronic music. The album remains a timeless classic, embodying the band's signature style and setting the stage for their continued success in the years to come.
Od svog osnivanja 1996., belgijski bend Hooverphonic spaja trip-hop s popom i višeslojnim elementima, stvarajući osebujan zvuk. Nakon šest godina pauze, ponovno nastupaju u Zagrebu u sklopu europske turneje! Uz ogromnu bazu obožavatelja diljem Europe, bend će 19. travnja stati na pozornicu zagrebačkog Boogalooa.
Koncert je dio turneje kojom slave 25. obljetnicu njihovog legendarnog albuma The Magnificent Tree, koji uključuje i nezaboravni hit "Mad O tebi."
Za ove koncerte Hooverphonic će pratiti četveročlani gudački orkestar.
Hooverphonic je bend koji voli razbijati kalupe. Više od 25 godina usavršavaju svoj jedinstveni i trenutno prepoznatljiv zvuk. Alex Callier (tekstopisac/producent) i Raymond Geerts (gitarist) bili su okosnica grupe od prvog dana. Radili su s nizom talentiranih pjevača i oduševljeni su što su se ponovno ujedinili s legendarnim glasom Geike Arnaert od jeseni 2020.
Hooverphonic je omiljen i kod nas s hitovima poput "2Wicky", "Eden", "Mad About You", "Anger Never Dies", "Amalfi", "Badaboum" i "Romantic".
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