GoatHell Metal Fest 2024

[ODPOVEDANO] GoatHell Metal Fest 2024

location-iconFort Punta Christo, Pula


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O dogodku

Kupi karte oz vstopnice za GoatHell Metal Fest 2024, 25.07.2024. - 27.07.2024. v Fort Punta Christo, Pula

GoatHell Metal Fest 2024 will take place from July 25th to 27th at the Austro-Hungarian fortress Fort Punta Christo, located in the suburban area of Štinjan near Pula. Built at the end of the 19th century on the peninsula of the same name, Fort Punta Christo is the largest Austro-Hungarian fortification in Pula. It spans over ten thousand square meters and boasts 270 rooms. Just a few minutes' walk from the fortress, there are beaches where festival visitors can cool off and relax in the crystal-clear sea.
For those who prefer to avoid the sun, the fortress offers a variety of places for daytime enjoyment, including a terrace that provides a beautiful view of the entrance to the Pula harbor and the National park Brijuni Islands, all in the shade and with a sea breeze. There are also numerous tunnels where the summer temperature does not exceed a pleasant 25 degrees Celsius. The festival also offers free camping and parking.

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