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Dirkschneider - Balls To The Wall - 40th Anniversary Tour

Dirkschneider - Balls To The Wall - 40th Anniversary Tour

location-iconKlub Boogaloo, Zagreb

Dirkschneider - Balls To The Wall - 40th Anniversary Tour

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O dogodku

Kupi karte oz vstopnice za Dirkschneider - Balls To The Wall - 40th Anniversary Tour, 25.02.2025. v Klub Boogaloo, Zagreb

Contra ponosno predstavlja: Legendarni vokalist Accepta, Udo Dirkschneider, dolazi u BOOGALOO ZAGREB po prvi put 25. veljače 2025. kako bi proslavio 40. godišnjicu kultnog albuma Balls to the Wall!

Ljubitelji heavy metala u Hrvatskoj, pripremite se na nezaboravnu večer! Legendarni Udo Dirkschneider, bivši frontmen kultnog njemačkog heavy metal benda Accept, dolazi 25. veljače u zagrebački klub Boogaloo kako bi održao svoj prvi nastup u Hrvatskoj. Ova posebna večer dio je velike europske Balls to the Wall turneje i obilježava 40. obljetnicu istoimenog albuma, jednog od ključnih u povijesti heavy metala.

Iako je njegov status legende neupitan, ovo je prvi put da Udo Dirkschneider nastupa u Hrvatskoj, čineći ovaj koncert povijesnim trenutkom za sve fanove žanra. Ovo je rijetka prilika za obožavatelje da dožive pravog titana metala uživo. Udo je ostavio neizbrisiv trag na svjetskoj metal sceni, a njegovi obožavatelji širom svijeta prepoznaju njegov doprinos rastu i popularnosti ovog žanra.

Udo će izvesti hitove iz svoje bogate solo karijere, ali i kultne pjesme iz vremena Accepta, uključujući legendarni Balls to the Wall, nezaobilazni heavy metal klasik. Ovaj koncert bit će prava poslastica za ljubitelje žestokih riffova i karizmatičnih vokala, a ujedno i prilika za buđenje koncertne metal scene u Hrvatskoj.

Zgodna podudarnost: 40. godišnjica najprodavanijeg Accept albuma iz 1983. poklapa se s novim uzletom Uda Dirkschneidera i njegovog benda U.D.O.. Ovom turnejom, Udo dodatno učvršćuje svoj status legende heavy metala. Uoči turneje, Udo je s entuzijazmom izjavio:

„Jako se veselim što ću sa svojim bendom vratiti Acceptov ultimativni uspješni album na pozornicu. Dijeljenje pozornice s Peterom Baltesom i izvođenje Balls to the Wall u cijelosti za sve vas bit će jedan od najvažnijih trenutaka u mojoj karijeri.“

Večer će dodatno obogatiti turski hard rock kvartet The Madcap te brutalni hrvatski heavy metal bend Flesh.

The Madcap je poznat po eksplozivnoj scenskoj prisutnosti i bezvremenskim hard rock hitovima. S dva studijska albuma iza sebe, uključujući Beat the Destiny uz gostovanje Tommy Johanssona (Sabaton, Majestica), pozornicu su dijelili s imenima kao što su to Glenn Hughes i Firewind te će zagrebačkoj publici donijeti pravu dozu modernog hard rocka.

Flesh, domaći adut heavy metal žanra, s više od dva desetljeća na sceni, već je ostavio snažan pečat na domaćoj i europskoj metal sceni. Kombinirajući tradiciju i modernu energiju, dijelili su pozornice s metal ikonama poput Armored Saint, Powerwolf i Battle Beast, a svoj zvuk usavršavaju kroz nadolazeći album Feeding Frenzy. Njihovi singlovi Seasons, Beasts of Metal i Feeding Frenzy već su osvojili fanove te najavljuju žestoku izvedbu 25. veljače.




Contra Proudly Presents: Accept's legendary vocalist Udo Dirkschneider is coming to BOOGALOO ZAGREB for the first time on the 25th February, 2025, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the iconic album *Balls to the Wall!

Heavy metal fans in Croatia, get ready for an unforgettable night! Legendary Udo Dirkschneider, former frontman of the iconic German heavy metal band Accept, will perform for the first time in Croatia on February 25th at Zagreb's Boogaloo club. This special evening is part of the major European Balls to the Wall tour and marks the 40th anniversary of the album of the same name, one of the most pivotal records in the history of heavy metal.

Although his status as a legend is unquestionable, this will be Udo Dirkschneider's first performance in Croatia, making this concert a historic moment for all fans of the genre. This is a rare opportunity for fans to experience a true metal titan live. Udo has left an unforgettable mark on the global metal scene, and his fans around the world recognize his contribution to the growth and popularity of the genre.

Udo will perform hits from his rich solo career, as well as classic tracks from his time with Accept, including the legendary Balls to the Wall, an essential heavy metal classic. This concert will be a real treat for fans of heavy riffs and charismatic vocals, while also serving as an opportunity to reignite the concert metal scene in Croatia.

The 40th anniversary of Accept’s best-selling album from 1983 coincides with a new resurgence of Udo Dirkschneider and his band U.D.O. With this tour, Udo further solidifies his status as a heavy metal legend. Ahead of the tour, Udo enthusiastically commented: "I’m really looking forward to bringing Accept's ultimate successful album back to the stage with my band. Sharing the stage with Peter Baltes and performing Balls to the Wall in its entirety for all of you will be one of the most important moments in my career."

The evening will be further enriched by the Turkish hard rock quartet The Madcap and the brutal Croatian heavy metal band Flesh.


The Madcap is known for their explosive stage presence and timeless hard rock hits. With two studio albums under their belt, including Beat the Destiny featuring guest appearances by Tommy Johansson (Sabaton, Majestica), they have shared the stage with names like Glenn Hughes and Firewind, and will bring a true dose of modern hard rock to the Zagreb audience.

Flesh, a local heavy metal powerhouse with over two decades on the scene, has already made a strong impact on the Croatian and European metal scenes. Combining tradition with modern energy, they’ve shared the stage with metal icons like Armored Saint, Powerwolf, and Battle Beast, and are perfecting their sound with their upcoming album Feeding Frenzy. Their singles Seasons, Beasts of Metal, and Feeding Frenzy have already won over fans, and they promise an intense performance on February 25th.


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