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Kupi karte oz vstopnice za Gates Of Agartha Cave Romane 2024, 07.06.2024. - 09.06.2024. v Cave Romane, Vinkuran
Gates Of Agartha 2024: The electronic music titans at 2000-year old Roman quarry 💥🏛️
The triumphal Gates of Agartha comeback to Cave Romane on June 7 & 8 will be certified with some of the most special electronic music acts: Adriatique, Bedouin, Dixon, Vintage Culture, Seth Troxler, TSHA, and many others in two magical days on the Istrian coastline 🔮🙌
Festival tickets are ON SALE taking you to experience the mythical beauty of old Roman Quarry, stunning visuals by Ouchhh, world-class production, and the best of electronic music.
Gates of Agartha is not just an event but an odyssey of good vibes, therefore you can choose between single tickets and full-experience packages that will make your stay special on the Istrian coastline.
International tickets & accommodation packages are available at
All available tickets on are valid only for EX-YU region citizens (Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosoovo and Macedonia).
IDs will be checked at the entrance and persons that don't have EX-YU citizenship won't be able to enter with tickets bought on www.entrio.hrh
BSH events 2024 ©️
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