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Croatian Student Summit 20: The Journey of Life

Croatian Student Summit 20: The Journey of Life

location-iconUniversity of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Zagreb

Datum bo najavljen naknadno

do začetka

Zagotovi si svojo vstopnico pravočasno!

Če si se že registriral za ta virtualni dogodek - se pridruži tukaj

Vstopnice / storitve / izdelki



Regular Ticket

1.50 EUR

This registration fee includes:
- participation in all lectures and poster presentations
- participation in a workshop of your choice
- promotional materials of the Congress, program and booklet of summaries
- certificate of participation
- refreshments in the form of food and drinks + Gala dinner
- a ticket for the CROSS afterparty
- guided tour of Zagreb
- a visit to a museum

60.00 EUR

This registration fee includes:
- participation in all lectures and poster presentations
- participation in a workshop of your choice
- promotional materials of the Congress, program and booklet of summaries
- certificate of participation
- refreshments in the form of food and drinks + Gala dinner
- a ticket for the CROSS afterparty
- guided tour of Zagreb
- a visit to a museum


Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice: 0.00 EUR na vstopnico

This registration fee includes:
- participation in all lectures and poster presentations
- participation in a workshop of your choice
- promotional materials of the Congress, program and booklet of summaries
- certificate of participation
- refreshments in the form of food and drinks*
- a ticket for the CROSS afterparty

*By purchasing an additional "Gala Dinner" ticket for €30.00, you can attend the gala dinner that will be held as part of the social program of the Congress.


This registration fee includes:
- participation in all lectures and poster presentations
- participation in a workshop of your choice
- promotional materials of the Congress, program and booklet of summaries
- certificate of participation
- refreshments in the form of food and drinks*
- a ticket for the CROSS afterparty

*By purchasing an additional "Gala Dinner" ticket for €30.00, you can attend the gala dinner that will be held as part of the social program of the Congress.

MEF ZG - alumni

1.50 EUR

This registration fee includes:
- participation in the poster presentation
- promotional materials of the Congress, program and booklet of summaries
- certificate of participation
- refreshments in the form of food and drinks*
- a ticket for the CROSS afterparty

*By purchasing an additional "Gala Dinner" ticket for €30.00, you can attend the gala dinner that will be held as part of the social program of the Congress. The number of places is limited!

30.00 EUR

This registration fee includes:
- participation in the poster presentation
- promotional materials of the Congress, program and booklet of summaries
- certificate of participation
- refreshments in the form of food and drinks*
- a ticket for the CROSS afterparty

*By purchasing an additional "Gala Dinner" ticket for €30.00, you can attend the gala dinner that will be held as part of the social program of the Congress. The number of places is limited!


1.00 EUR

This registration fee includes:
- participation in all lectures and poster presentations
- participation in a workshop of your choice
- promotional materials of the Congress, program and booklet of summaries
- certificate of participation
- refreshments in the form of food and drinks*
- a ticket for the CROSS afterparty

*By purchasing an additional "Gala Dinner" ticket for €30.00, you can attend the gala dinner that will be held as part of the social program of the Congress.

10.00 EUR

This registration fee includes:
- participation in all lectures and poster presentations
- participation in a workshop of your choice
- promotional materials of the Congress, program and booklet of summaries
- certificate of participation
- refreshments in the form of food and drinks*
- a ticket for the CROSS afterparty

*By purchasing an additional "Gala Dinner" ticket for €30.00, you can attend the gala dinner that will be held as part of the social program of the Congress.

Gala Dinner Ticket

1.50 EUR

30.00 EUR


0.00 EUR

x Nadomestilo :

0.00 EUR


0.00 EUR

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Opomba: v kolikor je promocijska koda za popust veljavna, bo popust viden v naslednjem koraku

O dogodku

Prijavi se za Croatian Student Summit 20: The Journey of Life, 08.04.2025. v University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Zagreb

What is CROSS?

Croatian Student Summit, or CROSS, is an international scientific congress for students and young scientists in the biomedical field. In recent years, CROSS has found its place as one of the leading student congresses not only in Croatia but also in this part of Europe.
The project was initiated by the Student Council of the University of Zagreb School of Medicine in the academic year 2004/2005. 

The twentieth edition of the congress will be held from April 8th to 11th, 2025, at the School of Medicine in Zagreb, Šalata. The congress is organized by the Student Council of the University of Zagreb School of Medicine. The topic of this year's congress is The Journey of Life. For more details, please visit our webpage

This year‘s CROSS

In an era of rapid social progress, medicine courageously keeps pace. However, today's medical problems are increasingly complex and often intertwined with non-medical aspects and influences.

On CROSS's 20th anniversary, we want to explore key medical challenges across all life stages – from childhood to old age – focusing on innovative approaches and contemporary methods. We aim to educate, inspire, and connect participants, preparing them for future challenges and emerging obstacles.

This congress is an opportunity for learning and a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange. Together, we can shape a new era in medicine, setting boundaries that we will constantly change through collective effort.

Why this topic?

Every life stage brings medical challenges, and we want to highlight how future physicians like ourselves can best respond to them. Our objectives are:

  • Identify and discuss future challenges: From new diagnostic methods to advanced therapies, we'll analyze how medicine adapts to patient needs in different life stages and how each problem must now be approached by looking at the broader picture.
  • Encourage innovative thinking: We aim to inspire modern and creative thinking, reflecting the progressive spirit of the new medical professionals.
  • Understand practice evolution: Through lectures and discussions, we'll provide insight into the direction medical practice is developing today, emphasizing adaptation to contemporary challenges.

What can you expect?

Through a carefully designed program, CROSS 20 will:

  • Connect experts and students from various medical fields and enable knowledge exchange.
  • Highlight practical solutions and guidelines for challenges awaiting us in the near future.
  • Create a platform for idea exchange, connecting and establishing collaboration to shape medicine's future.

As always, our ultimate goal is for each CROSS participant to take away valuable knowledge, inspiration, and new professional contacts to enrich their development as future medical professionals.

Join us on this significant journey and be part of a story that we are confident will change the future of medicine!

Yours sincerely,
CROSS 20 Team

Please follow our social media for more info!

Deli dogodek:

Kaj je Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice?

Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice pokriva en del stroškov, ki jih ima Entrio kot agencija za prodajo vstopnic za obdelavo transakcije, izdajo vstopnice in da ti omogoča, da uživaš v dogodku.

Entrio zaračunava nadomestilo za vsako kupljeno vstopnico, za vse načine plačila na internetu in na prodajnih mestih, ki med drugim pokriva stroške podpore Entrio kupcem, vzdrževanje strežniškega sistema, administracijo in druge stroške, povezane z izdajo vstopnice.

Višina nadomestila za izdajo vstopnice je včasih lahko odvisno od trgovskih dogovorov podjetja Entrio z organizatorjem dogodka.

Nadomestilo za izdajo vstopnice ni vračljivo.

Neveljavna promocijska koda

Prosimo poskusi ponovno čez 15 minut, v kolikor si prepričan, da je promocijska koda veljavna - možno je, da jo je sistem v tvojemu prejšnjem poskusu začasno rezerviral

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