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location-iconGalerija Umjetnina (Galerija:Cafe), Split

O događaju

Kupi karte odnosno ulaznice za HOW TO BE CROATIAN? - SPLIT SHOW, 01.08.2024. u Galerija Umjetnina (Galerija:Cafe), Split


by Miranda Lončar

Experience the essence of Croatia this summer with a unique stand-up comedy show in English, where laughter meets learning. "HOW TO BE CROATIAN" is a delightful blend of humor and cultural insight, tailored for tourists eager to understand Croatia and its people.

This show explores the intricacies of tourism—why we travel, how we travel, will we travel again? It delves into both sides of tourism: the givers and the receivers. How do tourists perceive Croatians, and how do Croatians view tourists?

Given Croatia’s recent history, the show touches on significant topics like war – which in recent years became too much popular around the war - and immigration. Once a country of emigrants, Croatia has transformed into a destination for immigrants over the past two years.

Love is another theme—because we're all our most silly when in love, and it has a way of turning everything right, just like laughter does.

"HOW TO BE CROATIAN" is an interactive experience where the audience participates, fostering a unique atmosphere of togetherness that often continues long after the show ends.

About the Host:

Miranda Lončar is an established Croatian female comedian originally from Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since 2009, she has been performing in Zagreb, Croatia’s capital. For years she was quite bad at it, but during the last 6 or 7 years the comments about her comedy have considerably improved. There are even those that profess her not to be bad at all. She sucks in self-promotion, but thrives on creating a good time for all. Miranda is known for her observational and socially conscious humor.

With 11 years of experience living abroad in Italy, the UK, France, and Slovenia, Miranda brings a well-rounded European perspective to her comedy. Her English is proficient, but not excellent, so even if your English isn’t perfect, you’ll still understand and enjoy the show.

The show lasts between 1 hour and 1 hour 20 minutes. Occasionally, Miranda is joined by 2 or 3 guest comedians who have lived in Croatia, adding their unique perspectives on the Croatian experience.

Show Details:

Start Time: 20:30 (but in true Croatian fashion, it often starts at 20:45)
Venue: The beautiful open-air terrace of the Modern Art Gallery, where drinks are available for order.
Come for the laughs, stay for the camaraderie, and leave with a deeper understanding of what it means to be Croatian.

Podijeli događaj:

Što je Naknada za izdavanje ulaznice?

Naknada za izdavanje ulaznice pokriva jedan dio troška koji Entrio ima kako bi, kao posrednik u prodaji ulaznica, na brz i siguran način obradio transakciju, izdao ulaznicu i omogućio ti uživanje na događaju.

Naknadu Entrio naplaćuje po svakoj kupljenoj ulaznici, za sve načine plaćanja na internetu i na prodajnim mjestima, a ona među ostalim pokriva trošak Entrio korisničke podrške, održavanja serverskog sustava, administrativnih poslova i ostalih troškova vezanih uz izdavanje ulaznice.

Visina naknade ponekad može ovisiti i o Entriovom komercijalnom dogovoru s Organizatorom događaja.

Naknada za izdavanje ulaznice je nepovratna naknada.

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